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Feb 17, 2008 03:30

Wow one post and then I drop off the face of the earth for 2 months. I just KNOW that this keeping up with my journal thing is gonna work out XD

Arg. I wanna rant about Avatar: The Last Air Bender. It has a high sap content (natural for a cartoon shown on nickelodeon, I'm not going to complain) but it makes up for it in pure awesome kickass fighting.

I was fed up with shounen fights filled with dialogu and Super Amazing Techniques. The avatar is pure martial arts and GORGEOUS. Their fighting styles so amazingly fit with their elements (Katara's moves flow together like water while Toph's are short, quick, and powerful) and most all the fights make me spaz out with all the pretty MOVEMENT. It reminds me of the martial arts movies I'm so in love with (Jet Lee = THE SEX) <3

Plus the fact that girls kick ass on a regular basis not as a side note in one episode and Katara's "wtf do you mean heal people?!" reaction to womens role in the northern water temple.

Katara= Has a brain and uses it. She stands up where her love interest doesn't which is awesome. While aang is being all meek and "yeah maybe we should just leave" she's the one standing up and saying "Hey thats WRONG!" and then SHE does something about it which you don't find a lot in shounen <<<3 The main love interest usually just bashes in the love interests skull until he does it for her -_-

Aang/Katara= ADORABLE CUTE LOVE! She's such a mom and he's always saying "hey shhhh relax" which she totally needs X3.

Zuko = Sasuke without the mental scarring. Still lovable but oh so emo. Sasuke is damaged to the point of where he can't even talk of what he lost. Unfortunately for us Zuko doesn't rate very high on the trauma scale and his mothers sympathy towards his emo-ness caused it to grow exponentially DD:

Zuko/Mai = THE SEX. WHICH IS ALSO SOMETHING THEY'RE PROBABLY HAVING ON A REGULAR BASIS ehem. Seriously they're just sprawled over each other all the time XD. But they had me since the time when they're under the umbrella and Zuko spills icecream on her. Their relationship is past the point of "aww you're so sweet!" to "I'm hungry" "so?" "So find me something to eat!" Its such a given and a casual thing. Its no longer all that puppy love romance and more into an actual long term relationship. Thats so rare that its awesome ♥. Sure their love is boring damnit its for KEEPS. Real relationships are steady and kinda on the monotonous side (but not the bad kind the nice fuzzy blanket of stability kind).

Fanon pairings (in order of favorites):

Azula/Ty Lee= I WANT TO CALL THIS CANNON DAMNIT (The Beach of course >:3) because I don't really ship Shoujo Ai but this....Ty Lee is so seme.

Azula/Zuko= Seriously the angst factor here would be awesome. It would probably more be Zuko loves Azula (and is ashamed) and Azula- being a terrible monster bitch- is using him for sex (and doesn't give a flying crap). "Azula always lies"

Sokka/Zuko = would be totally hot D: y/y?

Zutara = Totally hot if Katara didn't die of overstressed heart attack XD With all his angst and constant need to talk it out and Katara's habit of fretting; together they would die of SOMETHING stress induced. XD But yeah other than that it could be awesome.

My one large beef: People calling Zutara the new Pride and Prejudice. WTF. I had just read Pride and Prejudice again and decided to buy it when I entered the fandom. I don't really remember the movie very well but I don't think it strayed THAT far from the book. Not enough that people would think that saying Zutara = Pride and prejudice is a brilliant idea.

Last time I checked Elizabeth was simply going pretty much on hearsay when she formed an opinion on how much of a dick Darcy was. Mr. Darcy wasn't a willing member of an evil force constantly trying to kill or maim Charlotte or Elizabeth's family. You didn't see Mr. Darcy sympathizing with Elizabeth only to stab her in the back. If Katara seems a little on the prejudice side you'll have to EXCUSE her.

To sum up: WTF Kishimoto you're driving me to obsess over other fandoms (fandoms without as much great fanfiction. Woe.)

Any good avatar fanfiction you guys found? (Preferably not Zutara unless its AU or Aang is dead... Or unless its like the best fic you've ever read ever.)
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