Just so you know, even if I already said it in my entry yesterday, the mobilization to save Cold Case goes on!
And because the season finale aired yesterday, we're doing an another "stalk Cbs" day where we have to send lots of feedbacks.
That's said, you can of course send it otherwise whenever you want, but today is a sort of gathering ^^ .
So, I explain it one more time:
http://www.cbs.com/info/user_services/fb_global_form.php Select Cold Case and then REQUEST .
Fill your informations, and paste the sentence below:
Let Cold Case live, an amazing show which has millions of fan followers world-wide. People shouldn't be forgotten.......... neither should Cold Case. Petition and mobilization go on. Please don't cancel the show!
You can as well add the petition link:
http://www.gopetition.com/online/26360.html And here you are!
Take the time to do it, it's really a thirty seconds formality ^^ .
Thanks! =)