Second Bloom - 「Desolation」 [video]

Feb 02, 2010 15:10

This... this is your world, Discedo?

[The unfamiliar voice of the recently arrived flower youkai speaks for the communicator, scorn evident in her voice. The effect of her words are muted by the darkness registering through the video of the device.]

Blight. Desolation. Ruin.

[Something moves away from the lens and light and "color" return to the display. The recording picks up a view of run down buildings, but the focus almost immediately begins to turn, spanning over more collapsed structures and rubble as it spins parallel to the ground. Those most observant and familiar with the area might recognize the scene between Horton Lane and Latimer Street, along Lander Boulevard. However, the relevency of this location is questionable.]

Life... requires balance, denizens of Discedo. Your survival is ultimately codependent upon the continuity of your surroundings.

[The camera finally slows, capturing the setting of Horizon Park. The rotting husks of former trees sit rooted in the tainted, lifeless dirt beneath the snow, the only hint that vegetation even existed here. Rusted poles and bars sit neglected and decaying. she may have smiled at that. It is the vision of death, if minus the scattering of dry bones and fractured skulls which would have given it a nice touch.]

Is that your desire, Discedo? To become the fertilizer in a wasteland where nothing shall grow? If you impure fools wish to endure, your selfish ways ought to be shackled.

Look around you.

[The view remains fixated on what once, long ago, had been a small cluster of saplings, yet now not even the skeletal branches remain.]

This is your world, Discedo. Do you truly wish to become a part of it?

[A click, and the feed goes dark.]

desolation, self destruction, hang ur head in shaem, hay guise, acrai4halp, doomed, wtf r u doin

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