"I've just got to get myself over me...."

Jun 20, 2006 09:52

Nothing much to say really. I've been working a lot. And then when I'm not at work I'm either swimming here or sitting down the Center. That's all really.

Saturday I went to my cousins' recital. I sucked it up for 5 hours before I left. Apparently it went on for two more. Insanity. Recitals should never exceed three hours. Never.

I got my nails done yesterday. I love that the color is light now instead of the red I had on for prom and whatnot.

I have insane mosquito bites all over me. It's ridiculous. All I do is scratch all day. It's incredibly unattractive.

Someone come see The Format with me in August. Pleaseeeeeee. I want to goooooo.

This entry is pretty gay.

Things are looking up again though. Mhmmm.


5 YEARS AG0.....

How old were you?: 13
Where did you go to school? Winthrop Middle School.
Where did you work? Ze preschool.
Where did you live?: Winthrop.
Where did you hang out? Down the Center. Or Spit's basement.
How was your hair style?: Long. Highlighted.
Did you wear braces?: Never.
Did you wear glasses? Nope.
Who were your best friends?: Maria, Cassandra & Lauren.
Who was your regular-person crush?: I honestly don't know.
How many tattoos did you have?: None.
How many piercings did you have?: Six. Three in each ear.
What car did you drive?: At 13 I actually couldn't drive. Shocker there I'm sure.
What was your favorite band/group: DREAM STREET <333333 Haha.
What was your worst fear?: Friggin terrorism right?
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?: Nope.
Had you driven yet?: Nope.
Had you been to a real party yet?: Nope.
Had your heart broken?: No.


How old are you?: 18
What grade are you in?: Freshmen in college.
Where do you go to school?: Salem State College. This is so fuckin weird to write.
Where do you work?: Cafe Delite.
Where do you live: New casa. Still the Throp.
Where do you hang out?: The Center. Haha.
How is your hair style?: Almost exactly the same. Longer. All brown though.
Do you wear glasses?: Nope.
Who is your best friend? Maria. Still.
Still talk to any of your old friends?: All of them.
Who is your regular person crush?: Mmmm we don't discussssss.
How many piercings do you have?: Eight. Four in each ear.
How many tattoos?: Two.
What kind of car do you have? My darling Ford Explorer.
What is your favorite band/group? I currently love TBS.
What is your biggest fear? People not liking me. I guess.
Have you gotten drunk or high?: Drunkkkkk.
Have you been to a real party?: Mhmmm.
Has your heart been broken?: Ah yes.

1. Are you wearing a necklace? My necklace with the two rings on itttt.
2. Does your computer have a mouse? Of course.
3. Crush? Some idiot boy.
4. What color is your shirt? Teal.
5. How many bedrooms do you have in your house? Five.
6. What song are you listening to? Kill - JEW
7. What was the last mall you've been to? Rockingham Park
8. Are you alone? Mhm.
10. What is the last thing you ate? Gummy snacks last night.
11. Who was the last person to come over to your house? No idea.
12. Who was the last person to call you? Nicole.
13. Who was the last person who texted you? Nicole.
14. What should you be doing? Nothing actually.
15. Who is the last person you IMed? Jessica.
16. Did you go out to eat yesterday? Yeahhh.
17. What are you thinking right now? That I have to go to work soooon.
18. What color are your pants? Lilac. I really do't match at all.
19. What color is your keyboard? Grey.
20. What do you feel like eating/drinking? Mudslide ice coffee and a bagelll.
21. Are you in college? This coming fall.
22. What is the last phrase you wrote? Fall?
23. Are you bored? Eh not really.
24. How many teeth do you have? I have no idea... all of them?
25. Do you wear glasses? Nope.
26. What color are your shoes? I don't have any on.
27. Last thing you drank? Water
*missing questions*
30. What are the last words you said? I'll be upstairssss.
31. Do you have clothes on? Currently.
32. best part about today? Getting paid to eat and sit in the air conditioning.
33. if you could be anywhere with anyone right now where would it be? Who knows.
34. Do you like llamas? Not so much.
35. Do you have a cut on your pointer finger? No. I have one on my thumb though.
36. Where is your cell phone? Directly in front of me.
37. Do you have any friends named Robbie? Yes actually.
38. Do you have any friends named Nikki? Mhmm.
39. Do you have any friends named Mary? Yeah.
40. What were you doing last night? Sitting down the Landing in the trunk of my car. Then sitting down the Center with a bunch of people.
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