dezza made this icon for me at the beginning of last year, when I fell down some stairs and sprained my ankle.
It's now relevant again! Ha!
I went to the Beer Festival on Saturday with Sandra, and Jeremy from AV came! Aw. Good times, good times. Many a beer was tasted, and at the end of the session (we went 3-6pm) the James Squire kids were filling everyone's glasses right up to the top, instead of to the "tasting line". I was drunk enough to shoplift - didn't even know what it was, turned out to be a deck of cards with details of Melbourne's coolest unknown bars. Apparently. $10 worth though! haha
So then we made our way to Bar Nothing, where many a Sandra Sully was drank, until we discovered the mango daquiris. Oh man...
Anyway, at Bar Nothing you get three cocktails for $11, or six for $20. 'Nuff said.
So then, at Sandra's request, I demonstrated my "jig" to the kids sitting with us. Unfortunately the place I chose to demonstrate was right at the front door. There's a stair there.
So, knowing the sprained feeling when I feel it, I sat down and contemplated going home. Then I started eyeing off the bar...
"If I can walk to the bar, I'm fine, and I'll just get another drink!"
...I made it to the bar.
At some point I messaged Tim, who I met at Sandra's 21st, which I later realised was kind of stalkerish and creepy since I just got his number off Sandra. Anyhoo, he was all "let me know next time you're out and maybe we could catch up".
This proves my level of drunkenness, because I would never randomly message a boy like that, ever.
So, much later on I thought I was going to head home cause the ankle was hurting a bit... but the girls were at Revolver, and Reesy was going to pick them up... so, I went to Revolver - shared a taxi with some girl who went to get into it as I did. When we dropped her off the meter was saying $5, and she gave me a tenner! Sweet deal.
So in the end I danced at Revolver until like 4am on my sprained ankle. Excellent.
It's not too bad now, though. I can walk normally and stuff. My foot hurts more than the ankle.
I know feet are gross and all, but check out the bruise!
Today I put a sign up at work:
Please note:
The government has put forth a new law stating that offices may not stay open past the hour of 4pm on Fridays. Please abide by this ruling.
This may not have been written by anyone affiliated with Management and also, may not be real
I hope it's strongly enforced.
Tonight my hair was basted with coloured chemicals.
I have no makeup or hair-products applied, but here's how it looks: