[on the oscars, and why i'm still rooting for atonement]

Feb 23, 2008 15:37

So I just watched No Country for Old Men and There Will Be Blood back to back, both for the first time. Anyone who has seen both of these movies is no doubt currently going Are you mad?! like Beckett's evil sidekick Creepy O'Lurk in the third Pirates movie when Jones is sailing into the maelstrom. I am probably not really all that sane, but it ( Read more... )

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fragmentedsky February 24 2008, 01:49:28 UTC
[laughs] I'm glad you enjoyed it, given how annoyingly long it is. And yes, you really should see No Country for Old Men; there's a reason it's the frontrunner and you can then, y'know, say that you have.

Oh my god, I'm with you there. I confess, I haven't seen Michael Clayton, but I was pretty sure I was the only straight chick in the world who Clooney does nothing for. I mean, he's a great actor when he's in the right part - like Danny Ocean. But I simply don't see the overwhelming sex appeal, or the general overwhelming talent.

And then I look at James McAvoy. Surfacewise, while cute, he's not go-change-my-underwear-on-sight cute, if you get my drift. I'd only seen him in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe before Atonement, and I refuse to count the first because small children who I should have killed - and probably would have, nowadays - throwing popcorn at me the whole time. I would literally pay way more than the price of a movie ticket for the chance to go back and deal with those kids. ANYWAY. Atonement blew me away, but it wasn't until I started looking at his other work that I started to grasp that 1) the boy has the range of Mariah Carey's vocal chords (no matter what you think of her music, and the fact that she couldn't act her way out of a paper bag if there were exit arrows on every visible surface, her ability to go up and down on a musical scale is nothing short of superhuman) and 2) he looks really, really adorable with the foppy floppy haircut he's sporting in Penelope.

Daniel Day-Lewis...is Daniel Day-Lewis.

The sad thing is, if Juno wasn't getting so much credit, I'd probably adore the movie for being what it was, but I'm starting to resent it.


carousels February 24 2008, 11:41:44 UTC
I will totally watch No Country. It's not in theatres here until march 7th or something (can you believe that?) so I'm waiting for that :)

Your "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" experience reminds me of my Spider-man 3 experience! Yeah, hmm, wasn't a good day for my mental health. And I COULD NOT AGREE MORE about the Mariah Carey analogy. It's like every movie I watch that guy in, he has a new look, a new accent, a totally different personality and he pulls it off so well. He's sort of like Christian Bale in my opinion. Figures that he's ignored in award shows all together if he really is the next Christian Bale!

Ps- have you seen the videos of Marion finding out she won the Golden Globe or when she got her Oscar nomination? Makes me wanna see her win the Oscar even more !


fragmentedsky February 26 2008, 01:26:48 UTC
Is it still in theaters? I confess I relied on the powah of the INTAWEBZ! Oh, my bad little self. But good on you whenever you actually see it.

Bale I actually haven't seen in much at all. I haven't even seen Batman Begins although they have yet to cast a truly convincing Batman in my opinion...Bale just doesn't look like Bruce Wayne to me, but I can't comment on his talent yet either way. I'll be going to TDK anyway for Ledger. But McAvoy...did you see him last night? The boy was adorable. And did this weird little dance thing. 'twas awesome.

I haven't. Last night was the first time I'd ever seen Marion not on a poster for La Vie en Rose. She was cute, though. And lord knows I'm a sucker for a sexy accent.


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