Another nice day

May 04, 2007 00:53

Who says that men don't gossip!

One man to another: "Even in this weather he's wearing waterproof trousers over his ordinary clothes!"

Overheard on the way to post my envelope this evening.

Today was another good day. I had a fantastic massage at lunchtime. My therapist says that my back is really improving from the daily stretches that I've been doing in the last few weeks. I'm sure that my lovely new and very comfortable computer chair is helping too. I could really feel the difference in my lower back, I was much less stiff on the massage table. For the first time in ages, I feel confident in my body's ability to improve. I'm starting to claw my way slowly back to health. I'm continuing to eat a lot more healthily and I lost another pound last week. I've been exercising daily, it's very gentle but it is starting to make a difference. I'm slowly building up my walking stamina again - I was able to walk today without any dizziness.

After my massage I went to the nearby shopping centre to get a couple of things, including some predictably dire passport photos. I took loads of photos on the walk home. When I got home I was sensible and sat on the balcony reading a gardening magazine for a while before cooking dinner and spending some time deadheading plants in the garden.

This evening I did a rather involved Diary Project envelope that included some book binding - how fortunate that I'd bought the tools for book binding a couple of years ago. Things are often like that with me, I'll get interested in something, do all the research but then it'll be a while before I actually do any. Tonight's little book is the first I've made with images that I've printed out from the computer. For some reason I thought this would be very difficult but it wasn't, so I'm very excited now and want to make some other books soon. Maybe I'll even make some that I can show you!

Unrelated note to self - you're not allowed chickens or a beehive. We don't eat that many eggs and beekeeping would be too tiring right now (also, bee stings hurt). This isn't a smallholding, just stick to a couple of tomato plants and some strawberries in pots for now, OK.

health, diary project

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