I, I will be King

Feb 20, 2007 02:31

Susie Bright has a very funny anti-Bush video on her site but be warned, it's most emphatically not work safe.

catvincent is a happy camper this evening because he got malabar and I into Heroes. We watched two episodes and loved it. There's just so much good tv on at the moment - Battlestar Gallactica, Life On Mars, Jericho, CSI, Waking The Dead. I'm not normally a big TV person but I will watch what I consider to be good stuff and Heroes has just made it onto the list.

What else is going on here? Half term, decluttering, working on the next show for the Here gallery, trying to get round to designing my website, phoning workmen, getting work done on the house, being ill, stressing about the end of the world, drawing and filling envelopes, reading crimes novels and art books, making delicious homemade lemon cheesecake with the Kidlet & knitting socks. Yup, that's pretty much my life at the moment. There isn't enough art in it.

I am going great guns on the decluttering thing though. I was inspired by The Seven Things Project, where a woman is trying to get rid of 7 things a week for a year. I don't feel like committing to doing that but I am trying to declutter very slowly. This week I'm trying to reorganise the cupboard in my study so that I have more storage space. Last night I went through and sorted out 6 thing to go on freecycle. 5 of them have found homes but no one seems to want a very beautiful old-fashioned typewriter with a couple of keys that stick. Oh well, perhaps I'll just put it in a different cupboard until I find a use or a home for it.

OK, bed now, still trying to get over the latest bout of insomnia.

links, life, tv, decluttering

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