Goals for 2007

Jan 01, 2007 23:00

Goals for 2007

1. Get my website done
Yes, I know this has been on my goal list forever but it's really going to happen this year. My friend G is going to help me with the design and the code and we've bought the domain name and organised the hosting already. Now we just have to get some content together. This is going to be my main project for the first quarter of the year.

2. Work on my health
This is related to the following two goals. It sounds a little odd to have goals that are about giving up things that we'd normally think of as good ambitions but right now they are unhealthy for me. I really need to scale back and actually fix myself instead of limping along from crisis to crisis. I've already made some progress with my health but I haven't really got to grips with the underlying problems.

2a) Take time off from exhibiting and deadlines
I won't be able to stop doing everything because I do have a few things lined up but after a big heart-to-heart with malabar yesterday morning I've agreed that I do need to commit to having at least six months off.

2b) No curating group shows
I promise not to organise any group shows this year at all. Unfortunately I'm already committed to helping with several shows at the Here gallery but because those are solo shows, it's not nearly as much work.

3. Complete The Diary Project
More details to follow in the next day or two but this is a new year long art project that starts today (and I'd better get on with it because there's only an hour left of the day!).

4. Spend more time in the studio
Like some! I'm not going to set myself deadlines or targets on this because of the health issue but I want to spend a lot more time just making work this year. Doing less exhibiting and curating should free up more time and more importantly, energy, for this.

5. Spend more time with friends
There were lots of people I didn't see at all last year and I don't want that to continue this year. Again, I'm not going to commit to a certain number of get-togethers a month because I can't predict how my health is going to be, but I'm making a list of people that I need to see this year.

6. Go out with my family at least once a month
This can include the Kidlet if he's willing (and at 14, he mostly isn't) or just malabar and catvincent. I know it sounds rather pathetic that I even need this as a goal but in the last year it's been very hard to get everyone well at the same time. Any kind of activity is acceptable - trips, meals out, going to the cinema or theatre etc - as long as it's outside the house.

7. Visit London
I won't be doing this until the second half of the year but I definitely want to visit London for a couple of days this year.

8. Work on the debt

9. Complete the Lime & Violet Sock Marathon
I've committed to knitting 1 mile of sock yarn in 3 months. I know this sounds like a deadline (see Goal 2) but it's a very low key one - only about 5 pairs of socks and I'm looking forward to it so it doesn't feel like a real deadline. I've made a good start on this already, this morning I organised my whole yarn stash, listed all my yarn in a database, photographed my sock yarn and put the yarn I don't want up on freecycle.

10. Finish 12 unfinished projects
This can be anything from art, knitting, DIY, decluttering.

goals, self awareness

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