Broken the back of it

Feb 17, 2006 21:01

Hooray, hooray, hooray - the show is about 90% done.

catvincent was an utter angel and came with me to the gallery to help install the show. Actually, he did most of it really - he did all the drilling and hanging while I piddled around doing stuff like getting things straight, doing a wall drawing and sorting out the lighting. He was an absolute star and I couldn't have put the show up without him. Apart from the fact that he did most of the heavy work, it was really helpful just to have someone there to give a second opinion, confirm that I was putting things in the right place and generally boast my confidence.

And then he took me out to dinner at Wagamama's - damn, I love that man!

Scatter looks amazing, I'm really pleased with it. I was so worried that there would be so few pins left that it would look completely stupid but it really doesn't, it looks good. There are enough pins left that you can see the pattern in places, whilst other places are really bare but because the fabric has little snags and tiny pinpricks you can still see that the pins really were there. Plus there are a lot of pins that are right on the verge of falling out, which looks really neat.

And there are enough pictures on the walls, so I don't have to frantically run around trying to insanely do some this evening - not that I was going to you understand...

So, like I said, we're just about done. We still have to hang Quiver, once I've hemmed it and bought a longer pole and some chain but everything else is up.

I'm feeling pretty excited about the whole thing now and it's sinking in that I've really done it: I've put together my first solo show and I think it looks pretty good.

This evening I need to:

1) Check the blurb
2) Print out, cut and mount the blurb onto foamboard
3) Hem Quiver
4) Find a white cloth for the Pin Stories table and iron it.
5) Find a couple of working spotlights
6) Do some more pinning on Quiver if I have the time and energy
7) Fall into exhausted heap on floor - actually, I'd like to do that last one first but obviously that's not so practical

catvincent and I are going back in the morning to finish off, we probably have about another 2 hours work to do. We need to:

1) Go to the hardware store yet again
2) Hang Quiver
3) Hoover the space
4) Put up the blurb
5) Untangle 3 Score & 10
6) Put up the spotlights and finish adjusting the rest of the lighting
7) Finish untangling the bottom of Scatter once the floor is clean
8) Arrange Pin Ritual on it's chair

Then I'm planning to come home and nap in the afternoon so that I have enough energy for the private view.

broken threads, exhibiting

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