Yep, still glad I'm not American

Feb 14, 2006 01:08

Er, run that 'freedom of speech' idea past me again.

"A letter printed in the Alibi leads to the investigation of a local VA nurse for "sedition"...a few days after the letter was published, VA Information Security employees seized Berg's computer at the local VA hospital where she works. At the time, she was told this action occurred because of suspicions that she'd composed the letter to the Alibi on government time, on government premises, using government equipment."

I like that they reprint the letter at the bottom of the article. On this evidence, a good half of the web was guilty of 'sedition' after Katrina. Man, those poor darling wee spooks at the FBI must have been raking in the overtime.

Although I must admit that I just reread the letter looking again for the violent overthrowing of the US government and was somewhat perplexed about what mushrooms had to do with the situation. Was it all just an evil druggie plot? Clearly. Ah, perhaps a small word context failure there.

I am very tired and slightly insane right now but I don't think it shows, do you?

And in other news:

It is rare that the media manages to come up with an entirely new niche. But Time Inc, the world's largest magazine company, is attempting to do precisely that. Later this month, it will launch Office Pirates, a website aimed at young men who are mucking about online while they are supposed to be working. As niches go, it is not small.

So, it's OK to muck about watching mucky videos on the web while you're at work because it's all good clean fun in the name of capitalism but don't go writing nasty letters about Mr Bush or you'll get accused of 'sedition' and have your work computer seized even if you didn't actually write the letter while you were at work. Ah, happy days.

I wouldn't have thought that young men needed any encouragement to forward stupid emails and stuff to each other when they're meant to be working. Nor do the rest of us come to that.

Anyway, they're just cynically jumping on our piratey bandwagon, arrrrrrrr.

stupid internet shit, politics

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