
Apr 10, 2006 00:45

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mjp April 10 2006, 17:18:36 UTC
SHE LIVES! Dude, I was just thinking "I wonder what Kim's up to? She's probably about to graduate..."

I remember how busy you used to be in college. Don't worry about not LJing. I'm just happy to hear from you that you're OK every now and then. I keep running into Blank at cons. You should come out to one! AnimeNext is ten minutes from my house in late June, and there's Anime Boston over Memorial Day weekend, Otakon in early August...

*Ahem* Anyway, congrats on getting into grad school! You're going to do incredibly well, and you'll probably make three times my salary when you get out with a degree. Are you going for a Masters or a Ph.D? Are you still doing chem?

As for not getting to experience relationships with other people, I've found that it doesn't really matter if you've found someone you can really relate to. You two have been together for three years, and I know you well enough that it's for all the right reasons. ^_^

I'll say one thing, though, and hopefully this is the only thing you'll worry about: opportunities don't go away. You'll always have a chance to experience new things, learn new skills, and who says that you can only learn to play the piano in college? If it bothers you, you'll find the chance to go for it. Hell, I had the choice between two great opportunities a while back: pilot's license or moving out of my parents' house. The civil airports are still open, nicht?

Come out to Jersey or come to a con sometime! :-P


fragilepsyche April 10 2006, 21:42:36 UTC
Hehe, thanks =)

I'll be going for a PhD in biochem, leaning developmental bio (like embryogenesis and such). Shoudl be fun, but I have many more years of schooling ahead of me.

Also, I'll be staying north of Philly with my boyfriend this summer and I won't have a job, so I'll be free for visiting ^_^ I'd like to go to a con as I've never been, and maybe you can help me design an outfit or something (I'm stealing my mom's sewing machine for the summer!). Anywho, we should hang out regardless =D


mjp April 11 2006, 00:36:58 UTC
Embryogenesis? Cool! I can support your initiatives! You'll be killing fetus after fetus in the name of stem cell research, right? ;-)

I can totally give you some modest advice about cosplay. My girlfriend is a lot a lot A LOT better than me, but totally come up for AnimeNext! You can crash at our place! Hell, you're close enough that you could hit up Ota! Also, FYI, there's a video game symphony concert in Philly sometime in July. You should check it out. Maybe we'll run into you all. ^_^

However, if you plan on getting to a con, I'd suggest you hop on Philly Craigslist and hunt yeself a job. :-P


fragilepsyche April 11 2006, 01:00:49 UTC
I'm not getting an official job for all of three months...I have savings and I'm looking to relax and do artwork, which I might make some money with. I have enough savings to be comfortable for the summer and should be able to have some fun, unless a con is going to be more than $200 or something.


mjp April 11 2006, 01:21:41 UTC
Have you ever considered doing Artists Alley at a con?

A con can go over $200 pretty quick. $50 to pre-reg unless you can think of a panel (Otakon gets you in for free if you do one, probably the same for AnimeNext), crash space (Probably a hundred bucks or so depending on the hotel and number of people in the room), and stuff (That's at least $200 right there if you plan on buying a lot of stuff, unless you have exceptional self-restraint).

Seriously, the experience itself is worth the money. This is the one you wanna get at least enough bucks to get there and hang around for. Conceivably, a con can only cost as much as gas, lodging, food, etc. It ain't cheap, but you would LOVE it. The cosplayers and all that good stuff alone are good for the trip.

Plus we're going to do a panel on anime romance! ^_^


fragilepsyche April 11 2006, 01:38:31 UTC
Artist Alley? Panel?

Sir, I would like to hear more. Have you an informational brochure or pamphlet? =P


mjp April 11 2006, 02:38:38 UTC
Most might already be filled up by now, but an Artist Alley is where you pay for a table (in addition to a con admission fee) and get to set up shop. People come and browse and buy and stuff. Most will pay for a commission if you offer it. Otakon had a huge row over theirs this year (I was way too involved in that for someone with no artistic talent >_<) concerning the sale of merch and "stuff." A lot of people come just to browse Artists Alley. I'm one of them. A rare find of a favorite character can garner a fan for life. Especially you and your X - that's always something people are looking for.

Panels are basically where you sign up to host con programming. If it's original and fun, it's accepted! We did a panel on Politics of Anime for last year's Otakon, and it was a lot of fun. Like I said, Otakon will comp panelists with two big perks: A) Free con admission and B) You get to skip the entire pre-reg line to get your badge. That's hueg. Normally, you'd wanna line up at around 4 or 5 PM (under the summer/winter sun) to wait to pick up your pre-reg badge on Thursday night or Friday morning.

Anime Boston requires at least four panels before you get the comps, but Otakon only requires one. I don't know about Anime Next.

Oh, and the Masquerade... that's tons of fun right there. It's where cosplayers perform sketches and is considered the main event of any big anime convention. It's also where you can see...

AT ANIME BOSTON: Wild Arms and Bleach vs. Sephiroth!
AT ANIMENEXT: Little Mac of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! vs. The Unknown Challenger!
AT OTAKON: All Your Evangelion Are Belong To Us!

You COULD have seen Jewish Wolfwood Live and the Communist Party of Anime, the latter of which is available on Deathcom's site... I'll see if I can clip the video for you somewhere.

Seriously, you need to come to a con. If you're good and come to Ota, you might even get a shot at being in our skit... ;-) Seriously, you'd love it... there's nothing like doing a sketch that comes off well and you have 10,000+ screamingly happy people cheering for you. Not even Jim Carrey got that his first time out. XD

For more information, in chronological order of con occurrence:

Anime Boston's Artist Alley page (Currently full; these things fill up fast. This year AB filled up in five minutes)

AnimeNext's Events page, AA is right near the top. This is the one that's ten minutes from my house and is currently the New York metro area's only and biggest anime con.

Otakon's Artist Alley. This is the big daddy, the 2nd largest anime con in the US and the biggest one on the East Coast. There might even still be some room at the Alley!

Seriously. Check 'em out! We might have crash space for Ota and you're more than welcome to stay at my place for AnimeNext, both of youse guys. ^_^


fragilepsyche April 11 2006, 02:53:53 UTC
Hey, if you can manage to get me involved I'd love to! Though I prolly won't be able to start planning til mid-May...


mjp April 11 2006, 03:19:09 UTC
Well, let's talk more tomorrow. Shoot me an E-mail when I'm at work: michael.j.pfeffer@questdiagnostics.com. I have tons of free time when I'm not supposed to. ^_^


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