(no subject)

Mar 17, 2013 23:09

I need to write. I have so MUCH to write. And I have even sat down, fingers paused above the keys, but my conscience kicks in and tells me to do homework instead. I am currently curled up in bed, eyes ready to close, but I'm hoping if I make at least a brief post it will hold me accountable for returning and writing more.

Life is glorious. I have a month left of classes for this semester, which means a million final projects (most of them in group format, which makes me want to tear my hair out). Then it's home free for a few months, school-wise. I had debated doing one class over the summer but with so many changes and adventures happening I think it's wise to hold off - at least until I know what the next couple months hold and things are more settled and planned.

There are so many things happening. And it's exciting.

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