Mar 07, 2005 18:51
wow its been so long sence I have written an entry in my wonderful journal. So much has expired sence I wrote last so I am not even going to get into the last month , I will just start new.I have decided that even though I love to party and have fun there are also other important requirments in my life right now .. such as a job, a car , and school. See this is how I view school... Yes it is obnoxious and yes I wish I didnt have to go, but if I get through it now then I will value it in the end.I think the hardest part of my life right now is managing my time for everything that I need to do. Do I hang out with my best friend in the world or my boyfriend? Do I go and party or do I do my homework? But the one thing I do miss sometimes is SLEEP! Oh god do I love sleep! Whats keeping me going is the thought oh knowing in less then a year I will be 18 and officially my own adult , and that will be FUCKING AMAZING! I know my girl sarah feels the same way. I wouldnt get through half the shit in my life if it wasnt for her <3 But life will go on no matter what happens and who happens to come or leave your life. Sleep time. yay
In time everything heals. ( always remember that)