(no subject)

Dec 08, 2005 16:59

So. Alot has happened in the past two weeks. Last Friday we went on a field trip to the Downtown Library. The whole tour, play, yeah that was all boring. Except this little old Japanese man who was the most adorable thing ever. And the fact that practically all my favorite people were there. Pictures from that later. Than Monday was my 14TH BIRTHDAY<3. I got tons of cute things, plus my parents took me shopping over the weekend. Than after school I went to Amy's with her and Aaron, than Laura took us to lunch/dinner at the best place ever. ISLANDS<3. But I got grounded because I went out without telling my parents, which sucked x2843729837. What else. Um on wednesday we were all playing basketball and someone tripped me and now I'm cripple because my arm is like, dead. Wednesday night = HIGH SCHOOL NIGHT. And tonight = OC baby. Best show ever. Today in Mrs. Estrada's we had the worst sub EVER. Mags & I are fer sure getting him fired. Wow he's probably the biggest loser ever. Pictures soon!
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