Jan 31, 2007 21:56
So... is it just me or is school starting to get more useless every day. I mean Mr. Crowley's and Mr. Courtney's classes are probably the only classes I feel like we are doing anything in, but both still have no importance to me. The math we are doing now, I know I will never use again and learning about the Constitution and Declaration I did in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade I'm really sick of it something else had to of happened in the constructing of America. EVery morning seems like I'm waking up for no reason at all. I used to like going to school and now... I really really hate it and I seem to be getting more and more depressed and worn out with each day at ASA. Not to mention outside school life sucks. There is so much drama doing on and I can't take it anymore, and it's funny because I'm not involved in one single part of it but everyone keeps coming to me for help and I can't do it anymore.
My friend got into a horrible car accident last night. I couldn't go see him because one... my parents don't know him that well, and two visiting hours were already over. Well, he didn't just get into a little ar accident where he has a few bumps and bruises he is semi conscious. He wakes up every once in a while not knowing where he is, what happened to get him in the hospital, he only remembers me and his mom, not his brother, two sisters, dad , or any of his other friends which just honestly until you see it and it's in your face... it really tears your heart apart when your own family is looking at you and holding your hand and crying and the person they are crying and praying for has not even the slightest clue who you are, it sucks and is really sad. Well... I snuck out again and his mom met me downstairs and told the hospital that I was family. Well... about half and hour in to sitting with him they find out I'm not family and have security escort me out which I found hilarious. Like they honestly thought I was going to try something.... stupid...one... I wasn't going to fight huge security guards and two.. Im not stupid and would never try and run from them since I would have no clue as to where I was running. So I go home and my dad walked in right as I put the covers over my head and yeah some stuff happened but Im not going to get into that. So... if Im a huge bitch this week Im really sorry but Im having a horrible week and horrible past month.
Blah... so Im drawing tattoo number 5... I do have to say that it is amazing and I can't wait. I just don't know where I'm going to put it yet....hm...
Well... yeah Im worn out and have to leave in about... 4 hours so I need to sleep a little bit, night.