Aug 24, 2006 15:14
I love watching news..
2 Teenagers were in a bad car accident with one in critical condition, Ironically *insert name here* was thrown from the car and landed in his front yard.. DIDNT HE EVER HEAR OF TUCK AND ROLL! Not just fly out of this window?
And everything i've learned in school is a LIE! There is offically only 8 thats right EIGHT planets. Pluto is offically not a planet. Now what are they going to do with these!
My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas
My Very Easy Mnemonic Just Summed Up Nine Planets
My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets
My Very Energetic Mother Just Saw Uncle Ned Pass
Man Very Early Made Jars Stand Upright Not Prone
So Many Very Early Men Just Sat Under Naked Palms
My Very Educated Mother Just Said Uh-oh No Pluto