Oct 31, 2005 21:21
Tonight was crazy fun. Things turned out better than expected and we totally had the best costumes..ever. So there. Along with our black crayon friend =D. maybe we'll be nice and let you see some awesome pictures.
I've been in a weird carefree mood lately. I still get stressed beyond belief...but it doesn't really faze me. I'm not sure whether i realized there's no point in worrying or if i simply want to see how far i'll let myself go before i snap back into reality. It's just kinda been like "grades..what do grades really mean anyway"..i know what i'm capable of..and for now, that's all that matters to me. I no longer have the desire and desperation to show off to people what I can do. It never impressed anyone, so why should i keep trying, eh?
word of the month: interesting. don't ask.
i don't think i can express it in words..