For links to the previous updates go to the
master list post and I've updated
the family tree. Enjoy :)
You know how I knew Cherry and Mocha where going to be so much more awesome than their brothers? Because the first thing Cherry did after her makeover was to grab Fox and put him in a headlock.
And this is the family photo. I'm aware Julie looks like she hates her life, Cherry and Fox are fighting and Tae isn't facing the camera but this is the best we're going to get out of this bunch.
Me: Um, Cherry? You can let Fox out of that choke hold. It's been like an hour.
Fox: Can't....breathe.
Cherry: But it's fun :(
Tae: Who are you and why are you hurting my son?
Meanwhile, you can see Julie waving her wand around in the background. Now that she's on her way to mastering her witch-ness and ways of the light she's been doing that a lot.
Julie: I can make things sparkle.
Me: Yes, yes you can.
Julie: I can also make love potions.
Me: Uh oh.
Just a profile comparison. Poor, poor princess boys.
This is also the last that you are going to see of them because I sent them both off to college and it's highly unlikely I'm actually going to play them ever again. I thought I took photos of them leaving but apparently I did not. Oh well, I'm going to miss Chad's idiot fluffball ways.
These two, however, are way more entertaining and adorable so that's a big plus. I felt like my last update was a tad bit boring with the boys...being the boys.
These two are literally attached at the hip and pretty much do everything together, on their own free will. It's actually a tad bit disturbing. Whenever I lose track of them, I find them in the same room of the house.
Mocha: OMG it's storming!
Me: You've seen storms before, how are you still amazed?
Cherry: Hurry up, Mocha! It's raining and you'll get all wet!
Mocha: *does a dance* We're getting to leave the lot!
Since the girls are awesome and way more sociable, I decided to send them to a community lot to make some friends.
Mocha: Maybe I'll find someone to marry. <3
Me: You just became a teen, do not be starting this already.
Oh, family sims.
Have I mentioned that Cherry and Mocha are gorgeous? Cause they totally are.
Anyways, I sent the girl's bowling because that is something that I've never done on the sims and figured it was time I finally tried it out.
Cherry: I'm going to win.
Mocha: Please, you stink at this.
It was around this point that Mocha got bored of watching Cherry bowl and her attention was caught by a guy walking in.
This guy.
Apparently the twins are only inseparable until Mocha finds a piece of ass she wants to tap.
After he wandered off when she tried to talk to him, she sat down at his alley and stared at him at the bar.
Mocha: We would have cute babies.
Me: No, no you would not. He looks greasy, stay away.
Mocha: Whatever, I will marry him someday.
I'm going to give you a spoiler, this becomes a trend with her.
I had the girls take a photo in the photobooth before they left and this was the result.
Once the cab dropped the girls off at home, with still rainy weather, they decided the best place to sit down and hang out was the middle of the road. Well, at least Mocha is kinda on the grass. I'm starting to think Cherry takes a bit after Chad intelligence wise.
And of course, they talked about how they wished it would stop raining and be sunny. I finally made them go inside before they got sick because it's not like their mother's would notice.
Although Julie did make this cute little figurine and stick in their room for them.
Mocha: I don't care what she makes us, I'm still not forgiving her for cheating on mom.
The girls have their own bedroom, which they also go into to sleep and change however homework? They keep going into Chad and Fox's old room to do.
Mocha: Advanced Physics is hard.
Cherry: Um......
Cherry: How do I do long division again?
Yeah. She's a cuter, female version of Chad. This is no longer debatable.
Julie's getting pretty damn close to mastering the ways of the light, she's getting a bit sparkly now.
Me: Mocha, shhh. We've been over this. I know your lifetime want is to marry off like six kids or whatever but it's not happening. It's just, not. I could barely handled four of you.
Mocha's conversation with her mom about her desires to breed was interrupted by some random chick that Mocha had never even met calling to talk to her for an hour. Bitch is just that popular.
Mocha: You know, we really should fill this fishtank with fish someday.
Mocha, with breeding obviously still on the mind, brought this young man home the following day from school.
I don't know his name but we're going to call him blue cap boy for the sake of this update and Mocha was totally feeling him and his horrible outfit. This girl is seriously lacking in some taste.
Mocha: You are really cute....and funny! Funny and cute.
Blue Cap Boy: Awww, thank you.
Once again, the only time Mocha separates herself from Cherry is when she's hanging out with some boy and thinking about marriage.
Mocha: So.....wanna be my boyfriend?
Blue Cap Boy: ....I guess that would be cool.
Mocha + Blue Cap Boy = Adorable First Kiss
It was late so BCB took off shortly after they went steady, Mocha tried to sleep but was to excited that she was in a relationship so she went outside to celebrate by....
...playing in the puddles.
Which is definitely a trait she got from this woman right here, who was a few feet away rotating between splashing around and staring dreamily at the stars.
Seeing Julie that happy is actually really fucking unnerving and I'm starting to think I should have made her take the path of darkness instead. The cackling would have been much more in character and all.
The following day Julie aged into an elder. The white hair, witch dress sparkle thing is a really good look for her.
And makes for some badass caps of her practicing her magic.
Since her parents never pay attention to her and Mocha is currently distracted by her boyfriend, Cherry headed downtown to a coffee place to try out some stand up and to interact.
When she saw a witch outside she immediately ran up to her, thinking of how her mom makes butterflies and shit.
Me: The green skin and evil cackle didn't tip you off?
Cherry: There are too many men here.
Me: I'm sorry but I've yet to find a lesbian coffee house community lot.
Cherry: :(
Julie has advance to the stage where she is super sparkly, not just sparklish skintones like the Cullens or whatever. Also, with little magic left to learn and sleeping with Tae not being enough, her wants are starting to drop and I have a feel it's only a matter of time before she starts wandering again.
Mocha: I got promoted. Hell to the yeah!
Cherry: *death glare*
Mocha will forever be the chosen one, unfortunately for Cherry.
However, Cherry did manage to convince this girl to come home with her.
And got her first kiss in the same room as Mocha did.
Cute girl: Oh my.
Cherry: Oh wow.
Cherry: I think I'm in love.
And we're going to leave off there for now. Comments are loved, feedback is awesome and feel free to
friend me. :D