Apr 17, 2007 13:03
I am sorry.
I am sorry, that you got traded into this hell for goalies.
I am sorry, that our coach, hates his goalies, no matter how hard they work, no matter how much heart they put into it, it's never good enough.
I am sorry, that you were tainted with the "saviour of the club" stench, and were then thrown under the bus.
I am sorry you got benched over a 20 year old kid, who has zero playoff expirience.
I am sorry, that from time to time over the past season, I doubted you.
I'm not sorry, that part of me, was always there for you. I'm not sorry that I think you're a great goalie, and an even greater person. I'm not sorry, that after this year, you might not be close to me anymore. I promise you, Marc, you will be SO much better off. I will miss you. I will not miss your sadness, or your frustration. I will be happy for you. Wherever you go. I hope it's a place that accepts you, and loves you, for all your strength AND weakeness.
Thank You, Marc Denis. Thank you for your time, for your effort, for your heart. Thank you, for being who you are, and being so willing to share that with us. Thank you for your smile, thank you for your peacock hairstyle, that will always stick in my mind, it's just so YOU. Thank you for your French, it's beautiful. Just Thank You. Thank You for being here. In my mind, you are amazing.
This Is How A Heart Breaks.