Oct 15, 2007 23:33
It has been a pretty quiet week, mostly because I worked from home on Tuesday (waiting for oil delivery), Wednesday (sore throat) and Friday (wanting peace and quiet to write). Friday was the first day in ages that I have written anything from scratch, rather than just editing stuff. I was writing about the conflict in Uganda - the history and what is happening now with the peace process. It was really interesting and I enjoyed writing again so much that I forgot about lunch until about 4pm. I worked until about 6.30 and then headed to the pub to meet the PhDs. It was a nice evening but I was a bit brain dead. We all left the bar at about 1030 and I came home and watched series 2, episode 3 of Heroes (it's my favourite show at the minute). I worked all day Saturday and then Rich and I went to Metro for dinner. We had planned to see Alabama 3 but it had sold out. We had a nice time in the restaurant but the food was not as good as I remember, there must have been a new chef. Sunday shopping and more work.
Today has been a good productive day, I
* Finished my paper on Uganda - 15,000 words since Friday and I proof read it all this evening before sending to my bosses and I'm pretty pleased with it so I might try and use it as an article/note.
* Submitted my application for travel funding for the trip to San Fran in March
* Revised the local research assistant documents for Uganda
* Had a very productive meeting with Kirsten about organising the transitional justice stream at the socio-legal studies association conference
Tomorrow I'm editing a chapter on my book and then onto my paper on Argentina, which I will hopefully write this week - this is all just as hectic as writing up my PhD, except that now I'm juggling more tasks. Madness :)
Also life seems very quiet at the moment. It is probably a good thing though with trips to Germany and Belgium next month and Anna visiting in December.