May 17, 2007 12:20
I am back in Blue Island for the Summer. Hooray.
I am so glad that school is over! I ended up getting straight A's this semester. It is a huge deal for me because my classes were extremely challenging this semester. They were the most difficult classes I've had to take and I worked my ass off.
One down side of being home is that I have so much shit to unpack. I am majorly stressing out about unpacking. AGH!
I had to go get a gall bladder ultra sound today. Surprisingly, it hurt like hell. The technician was jamming the thingie down onto my abdomen. She did it over and over and over again. I could feel it pressing against my rib bones and such. It was painful. And it still hurts. Boo for that.
I just really hope they're able to find out what is wrong with my tummy. It is always hurting or upset. It has been this way for years and I can't deal with it anymore. My stomach has begun to interfere with living life day to day so it is time to figure out what is wrong.
Too bad most of my pain is on the left side. And gall bladders are on the right side. My mom said I still had to get it looked at so they could check it off of the list of things that aren't wrong with me.
I am going to New York in exactly one week! I am excited beyond words. Really.
Anyhow. That is my update for the time being. Later days.