Sep 06, 2009 13:50
I am freakishly annoyed.
I want to start another new blog somewhere but Blogger tags and stupid html things are so freaking confusing I can't make a layout work for me. -cries- Plus, their stupid interface isn't working on my Mac's Safari and Firefox. At all. I AM SO SICK OF THIS. Why can't tags for blogs be easy to figure like how they used to, for instance, like PITAS. I know, that was way long ago, but at least the editing for layouts were easier to understand!!! T_____T
I am also feeling very depressed over the lack of True Blood episodes. 3: How will I possibly survive in one piece till the 13th of September? I might even have to wait till the 14th/15th for the episode to be shared. ;_; It's so odd to see Eric all helpless before the queen in the promo clip.
Arr, I miss laughing out loud over their silly lines in TB. ;__; I hope the day comes quickly.