Title: Balloons or No Balloons
broken__recordsCharacters: Karen/Jim
Word Count: 460
Rating: T
Summary: Saturday mornings are spent with sun and sweat pants and her living room couch.
Author's Note: Because sometimes I really want Jim and Karen to be happy together. Title from Janet by the Format.
so it's time i forget the past and just learn to love what i have )
Comments 10
I have this big problem where I honestly seriously actually love them together.
This part, in particular:
Sometimes she pulls the top of the paper down during commercial breaks and when his face is revealed, he raises his eyebrows in inquiry and she says, “Hey,” and he smiles, “Hey,” and then the paper flops back up and he shakes his head, laughing to himself.
It may be the cutest moment ever written. I'm serious.
Because sometimes I really want Jim and Karen to be happy together.
Me too.
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