Sep 20, 2008 12:03
At least once, a friend has posed the question, "What extravagance would you want, if money were no object?" (These were probably not his exact words; in fact, my twist on them probably says a whole lot about me, possibly more than my answer!) I always find it hard to come up with a response to such hypotheticals. Partly this is because I'm a very practical person, and even things that other consider inconveniences (having to cook for and feed myself, having to get myself from place to place, even work, to a certain extent) are activities I tend to enjoy. There's something in these processes that are innate to my personality and self-expression, and so eating out, for example - having someone else do the work, which sounds glorious to most people - isn't such a great thing to me, especially not when you factor in the cost. Well, this morning, on my fifth hour of cooking in twelve hours (reason being that I wanted to use the veggies from my CSA share while they were at their prime), I thought - I need a sous chef. The prep work is something I enjoy, that's true... but chopping peppers is tedious, and my nails are now discolored from pinching basil leaves from their stems (to make pesto - the lovely aroma is a reward, though!), and, well, you get the picture. I guess I'd just like to not have to do it *all*. There's no way I will ever stoop to, say, purchasing pre-chopped peppers or onions for use in chili - there's nothing like fresh and from-scratch cooking - but just once in a while, it'd be nice not to have to spend quite so much time making food. I think part of why I'm feeling like this is that I actually have other things I want to and need to be doing: learning Microsoft Publisher as part of a volunteer position I've taken on; working (underwriting - they really need help right now and have increased their pay as an incentive... and I am going in less to the hospital when on call, so not making as much money there); starting another creative project; reading; crossword puzzling; generally relaxing and hanging out with A.
hypothetical questions,
time management