Mar 27, 2007 15:11
hey guys manisha sent me an article in the nz herald about the cancer risks of mary joo joo. and yeah it didnt realy surprise me what did surprise me is that people used to think it didnt give you an inceased risk in lung cancer... oh and i was surprised that THC can prevent or kill cancerous cells. random shit.
even with this knowledge i dont want to stop smoking it kuz at this point in my life without it id prolly first suffer from boredom but then id start to go coo coo from worrying about shit and stuff. actualy with it doesnt help either im screwed anyway. just with it i can at least pretend nothings wrong :S (i wasnt going to post this paragraph)
anywho enough of that shit. so i was wondering if anyone wud like to do something that doesnt cost money this weekend. like a picnic or sumthin. ideas peoples!!!