
Nov 15, 2005 02:06

Day 1: On a fine day in the U.K. a woman is walking to work, and she passes a sick animal, she feels sorry for it, so she gives it a some of her lunch. then continues onto work.

Day 2: Its another fine day, today this woman is preparing for a presentation at work tomorow. so she goes to the park to clear her head.

Day 3: Today is not such a fine day, this woman decides to take a bus to work, the bus is packed with people. she is feeling a bit sick today, but she has to go to work to do her presentation. on the bus, she cant help but caugh every so often. her throat is itchy. by the time she gets to work, she is starting to feel some body aches, but blames it on nerves. this is a big day for her. during her presentation she feels even more sick then she did in the morning, her caughing is slowing down her presentation.

Day 4: She awakes feeling very sick, she hasnt felt this sick before in her life. she calls a friend and asks her to take her to the hospital. the hospital is buisy, and she has to wait in the over flowing waiting room. she finally gets some attention 3 hours later. by now she is very sick, and they take her to a ward for studying, docters havent seen this virus before. it startles them.

Day 5: She is now terribly sick, the doctors dont know what to do, they fear she will be dead soon. already hundreds of others have been infected, and some of them are starting to also feel the symptoms. by the afternoon, she is dead, doctors send a tissue sample to other doctors in the U.K. to be studied.

Day 6: More people are begging to show up in hospital with the same symptoms as the first woman. already a few thousand people have been infected.

Day 7: Hospitals around the U.K. are filling up with people who are all having the same symptoms as the first woman. just under a hundred have died. people are now realising this is an pandemic. but already over 50 thousand people have been infected, and have spread over 12 countries.

Day 8: The general public are starting to take notice of the pandemic. hundreds have already died. over 100 thousand people have been infected, and has spread over 16 countries.

Day 10: Panic is begging to spread. thousands have already died. over half a million people have been infected. and has spread over 25 countries.

Day 14: People are panicing everywhere, rioting is now becoming a common sight in many cities. over 90 thousand people have died. over a million people ahve been infected. air traffic has stoped. but it has spread over too many countries. weaker governments are being overwelmed by the scared public. society is begging to fail.

Day 22: Rioting has stoped, people are too scared to go outside. fear has gripped the world. over three quarters of a million people have died. over 20 million have been infected. most governments have given up, the only ones left are the super powers, and isolated parts of the world. society has almost fully failed.

Day 35: Society has ceased to function. cities are empty all over the world. millions have died, the number keeps climbing. over 50 million have been infected. communications have completely stoped. power is out almost everywhere. food suplies are scarce. its gone quiet. isolation sets in.

Day 50: Over a billion people have been infected, and over half of them have or will die. the survivers are now dealing with the fact that they are now living in a new world. no one knows the extent of the damage. no one knows if it will end.

Believe it or not, this is a REAL threat. have you heard of asian bird flu? lets hope it doesnt cross to humans. because, what would you do in this situation?
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