Top 4 of 2011 #4 Traveling.

Dec 28, 2011 12:00

Over the next few days, I'm gonna do a Journal entry on my top things in 2011.

Kinking things off with number 4 is Traveling. Holy crap I did more traveling then average. I made multiple trips to and from the SF bay area for cons and a few failed job interviews. (oh well) Really though it was worth it since I don't get out of town that often and go exploring. It makes me feel super waggy when I'm driving down the rode with myself or friends.

I also flew 3 times this year;
one from Sacramento to Denver Colorado. I wasn't scared being far from home I really wasn't! I went to RMFC and had a blast

One from San Ferancisco to LA for a connecting flight.

and one from LA to Chicago. for MWff.

Traveing long distance really opened the door for me. It showed me there is a bigger world out there and alot of awsome things for me to do and see. I loved flying and loved the reasons I was flying. I really hope to travel to more places in the future. but for now I'll have fun planning those trips out.

travel, year, personal, 2011

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