Threadhopping: Ask me first, please! Shoot me an IM or Plurk me. Likewise I will always ask first before I do any of that myself.
Backtagging: A-okay! Go for it, at any given time. I will be doing it a lot myself.
Fourthwalling: No, please! Persona 3 might be a little more popular than the other games in the series, but it IS a JRPG with a serious plot, and I'd prefer poor Minato not have his brain broken any worse. But feel free to make fun of his weird hair and eye colors
Mind reading: Go for it! Just ask me first so I can write out his thoughts for you.
Mind control: Ask me first about this one, because I think he'd put up a hell of a fight.
Hacking: He's not a tech expert; I'd say his filters if he ever uses them are about 75% strong? A good technology expert could easily break them. That said, he knows an EXPERT hacker and is decent with a computer himself. Overall, he is just above average. Guarded enough to filter well and that it would take some time to crack his filters, but they are usually hackable.
HOWEVER, if I say "100% Unhackable" in a Network post, it is because it's private to someone specifically and even if he isn't the best technology expert, I wouldn't want people spreading info IC before I'm ready. So please: always ask me first before you have your character hack ANYTHING. We can work it out!
Comfortable: Hugging, kissing, cursing, blood, death, weapons, torture (mentally), anything like that.
Uncomfortable: With any nature of sexual things, or anything horribly HORRIBLY grotesque (maiming). If you want to do any of these things, please make sure to CONTACT ME FIRST.
Other: If you can't read all of this teal deer because I drag on too much think of anything else that I've forgotten and aren't sure of (or I'm not), chat with me! I'm pretty chill, I promise. My AIM is Rakukaja, give me yours
here so I can add you (my list is set to private) or we can talk!