01 [Voice]

May 31, 2010 19:23

[Here’s an unpleasant sound for you: a grating, metallic voice in full ululation of Pure Rage. Somewhere between a roar and a shriek.His panicked EM fields have activated the voice comm.]


[Barricade is…not happy.   Last he knew he was recharging in some fraggin’ highway cut-off, after yet another day of uselessness, another comm ( Read more... )

intro, deck 7, unhappy defcon 5, cabin 6370

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heavyweaponsbot June 1 2010, 01:35:26 UTC

I thought I ran you into a pole.


fracturefall June 1 2010, 01:40:38 UTC
[Oh, correction. His day COULD get worse. And just did.]

Takes more than your slagged-up driving to take me out, Autobot.

[Whirls, optics narrowing]

You're behind this, aren't you? Sold me out to the humans, did you?


heavyweaponsbot June 1 2010, 01:48:35 UTC

If you think that was an accident, something is wrong with your processor. More than usual.

Right... because I had a desire to be trapped on this ship with one of you. Yeah, your theory makes sense.


fracturefall June 1 2010, 01:53:46 UTC
Clear your audio, Autobot filth. Did I SAY it was an accident?

You hit me with your best, and guess what? Still here.


[The word 'trapped' is...disturbing.]

Trapped? By whom? Why? Where are we?

[He hates that he's stooping to asking questions of an Autobot, but...desperate times... ]

You got a better theory?


heavyweaponsbot June 1 2010, 02:00:00 UTC
It was implied. And no, I did not hit you with my best. You would be spare parts if I had. You were merely in the way.

... We are on a ship, like I said. Better clear your audios.

[A scoffing sound.]

No theory. Facts. But I have little interest in sharing with you.


fracturefall June 1 2010, 02:10:04 UTC
[Are. You. Fraggin'. Serious?]

Uh, yeah, figured the ship thing out. But, hey, glitchface...WHERE IS THE SHIP?

About as useful as saying, hey, you're in a house. HOUSE WHERE?!

How you fraggers function...Primus.

[Optics blaze]

How 'bout you put your aft where your mouth is, huh? I'd like to see you try that 'spare parts' thing. Maybe I could...convince you to give up some answers.


heavyweaponsbot June 1 2010, 02:25:01 UTC
... On water. Where else would the ship be?

[Ironhide is well aware that's not the answer to the question. However, he feels it's unnecessary to enlighten the enemy.]

Maybe when you manage to find you weapons, I will consider you worth the effort of pounding.


fracturefall June 1 2010, 02:30:37 UTC
[Okay, Barricade. You got this figured out now. The Autobot is...TRYING to drive you crazy. That must be it. Because if he truly were that slaggin' stupid, it would not shine well on the Decepticon Army--to be kept at bay for so long by a band of low-bandwidth idiots.]

The ship could be in drydock, you know. But thanks for telling me that we're on a planetbound ship and not in space.

[smirk. yeah, you gave something up, Autobot. Play dumb moar.]

I've got more than enough to take you out without resorting to Integrated Weapons Systems.

[If he's disarmed, and if the Autobots are NOT behind this--chances are Ironhide is also weaponless.]


heavyweaponsbot June 1 2010, 02:52:23 UTC
Hmn. You are capable of following simple logic. Perhaps you should run into more poles.

[A snort.]

You forget. I did not become weapons master by relying purely on my own systems. Disposed of my enemies by other, more creative means since before you came online.


fracturefall June 1 2010, 02:58:39 UTC
I don't forget. I think you forget where you came from, Ironhide.

[A hostile hiss. He's read a few files in his day. Kind of a...hobby.]

You may be a weapons-master, but your conversion has always been...problematic. Sign of a weak processor, at the very least.

Where were all of your weapons quick tricks outside of Trypticon when the Autobots captured you?


heavyweaponsbot June 1 2010, 03:03:43 UTC
I know where I came from. Metrotitan. Nice city.

[Despite the lack of video, Ironhide rolls his optics.]

What conversion? I was never converted. Your information is faulty... as usual.

I was not captured. Went with them. If I had wanted to fight, I would have.


fracturefall June 1 2010, 03:06:17 UTC
So...you....WILLINGLY betrayed us?

[tsk tsk]

And all that slag about honor your leader spouts out. Really. You know he must just be using you. Black sheep and all.

And look where it's gotten you: in the same boat--literally--as me after all.


heavyweaponsbot June 1 2010, 03:30:15 UTC
I was betrayed first. So I left. There is a difference. Not that I expect you to know.

You are a fool. Entirely. You do not know Prime. I do.

Now go crawl off into a hole. I hear deck thirteen is nice.


fracturefall June 1 2010, 03:33:34 UTC
Your PRIME doomed our slaggin' planet. Don't you dare try to pull some honor and glory slag about him.

He did it! He sent the Allspark away. Ripped the slaggin' spark out of our planet. Doomed us all.

And you hold him a hero?

You may be a great fighter, Ironhide, and I may be a fool, but at least, I am not deluded.


heavyweaponsbot June 1 2010, 03:42:41 UTC
It was the only way he saw to put an end to madness.

Blame Megatron, if anyone. Any who follow him are deluded, insane, and traitors.


fracturefall June 1 2010, 03:45:47 UTC
[Tone high and mocking: 'it was the only way he saw to put an END to Madness'

Yeah. How's that worked out for him, huh?

[Try harder to insult me, Ironhide. Barricade has no respect for bullies with no respect for their craft. Generic insults? YAWN.]


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