(no subject)

May 26, 2010 08:48

 [Private log, high encryption]


Fantastic display of ego today.  Would’ve been fraggin’ quality entertainment if, you know, we didn’t have a fraggin’ mission.

Seems like I’m the only one who remembers sometimes.

The Allspark? Our planet?  Megatron?

Everyone else fill their memory caches with their highlight reels and forget, you know, like…what we’re here for?

Joined this fraggin’ war to keep us safe from the Eshems freaks.  Not to watch two air-frames with egos large enough to rate gravitational fields go at it over whose idiot wasteful aft-draggin’ plan was less stupid.

Solution of course: beatdown. Yeah. How many millions of years of fraggin’ civilization and what’s the preferred method of conflict resolution?  Violence.   Ever heard of saving that slag for the enemy?


Yeah. Me neither.

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