Mar 30, 2006 00:14
I feel like I have been living in the stone age... I have no Idea how to work this thing.
So for anyone who cares, life has been moving so slowly. Do you ever feel stuck? I feel like I just cannot keep the past behind my and the future just will not stick.
My life is in a few pieces as of forever it seems. Every time I over come a hurdle, a mountain is right behind it.
It seems like life has this sick twisted humor, maybe it is just this decade. Ok so I admit, I am being a little over dramatic. It could ALWAYS be worse.
Sad story of the day...
I met a walking tragedy today.
His spirit seemed to have aged faster then his physical features.
Lets get to it- He lost his Father, Step-mother (who had raised him), His younger sister and brother in all in the same day, to a plane crash. It is stories like this that tug at my heart... and I have to ask Him why this young man had to go through such an ordeal...
ok, I don't want to linger on that morbid though any longer.
But we must keep our faith, although mine is tested time and time again.
Well that is pretty good for my first time don't you think-
Especially since I have been distracted looking through other people's lives :]
I am so jealous of the talent to make a page... teach me!!!!