Sep 19, 2011 10:52
Been awhile again. It's official ever since I started reading supernatural fic I've become a bad LJer, I haven't checked my flist in ages let alone posted. I'm blaming Dean Winchester it's clearly his fault... too much fic written about him.
Because it is fun (and I am nuts) I've signed up again for this year hlh_shortcuts - highlander secret santa. So I'll definitely write at least one complete fic this year. I think the last complete fic I wrote was for last years.... I do have more ficlets for various fandoms to post though :0).
Really looking forward to reading all the stories everyone writes for this year. If you're a new (or lapsed) highlander fan it's definitely worth checking out, the more the merrier and it always produces some excellent stories.
I'm hoping it will motivate me to write more in some of my other fandoms too, nothing like having one thing you're 'supposed' to write to make you want to write other things. But I'm not promising anything