I have a plan

Jul 26, 2011 17:36

Tried to crosspost from DW and it's not working.... cut and paste

Hi again, have decided that the only way I am going to get back into writing is to make myself. So I want to challenge myself to write drabbles/ficlets etc every night. So here is my challenge to write drabbles/ficlets (one a night) on the following pairings (some of which may end up gen). A month's worth of writing if I do one a night - that should get me into the habit. Here then is my todo list:

1. Methos/Duncan (the old highlander favourite)
2. Methos/Kronos (because they are awesome and not entirely sane)
3. Joe and Methos (this is cheating because I know this will be gen)
4. Duncan/Amanda (a ficlet without Methos... will I be able to cope, plus het yes het)
5. Duncan/Tessa (really not sure I'll be able to write this but want to give it a try)
6. Methos/Rebecca (I was getting withdrawal from the lack of Methos... but see more het and I love this pairing)
7. Methos/Darius (Hmm... somehow I have never actually written anything on this pair)]
8. Rebecca/Amanda (making no promises here because it may end up as gen but I do love them both)
9. Richie (he's left on his own because I really can't ship him with anyone)

Gundam Wing
10. 3x4 (because I love them)
11. 1x2 (my first fandom ship)
12. 5xS (look more het)
13. RxD (again may well end up gen)

14. Hardison/Parker (my favourite ship for this programme and it's het :0)
15. Eliot/Hardison (because my brain needs leverage slash)
16. Eliot/Parker/Hardison (okay so not technically a pairing, but I love them all)

Prince of Tennis
17. Golden Pair (because my life needs the occasional cute and fluffy)
18. Silver Pair (yay more fluffy)

Doctor Who/Torchwood
19. Jack/Everybody (what? this is a legitmate and canon ship)
20. Doctor/TARDIS (again canon and even sort of het, does it count if neither is human)
21. Doctor/River (because to my surprise... I ship them)
22. Amy/Rory (because they actually are quite awesome)

Mag 7:
23. Chris/Vin (I love this pair)
24. Josiah/Maude (sort of gen but hilarious)

25. Dean/anybody with a pulse (actually he and Jack seem to have a lot in common)
26. Dean/Castiel (they share a profound bond)
27. Sam/Jess (look Ma it's het)
28. Sam and Dean (codependent possibly incestuous relationships are great food for fandom)

29. Losers - Cougar/Jensen (Another fandom with JDM)
30. Donald Stratchey Mysteries - Donald/Timmy (because I love them)
31. Charmed Chris and Wyatt (more codependent brothers fighting demons)

Wish me luck... I'll need it.

charmed, magnificent 7, supernatural, prince of tennis, highlander, fandom, writing, gundam wing, todo list

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