Tried to crosspost from DW and it's not working.... cut and paste
Hi again, have decided that the only way I am going to get back into writing is to make myself. So I want to challenge myself to write drabbles/ficlets etc every night. So here is my challenge to write drabbles/ficlets (one a night) on the following pairings (some of which may end up gen). A month's worth of writing if I do one a night - that should get me into the habit. Here then is my todo list:
1. Methos/Duncan (the old highlander favourite)
2. Methos/Kronos (because they are awesome and not entirely sane)
3. Joe and Methos (this is cheating because I know this will be gen)
4. Duncan/Amanda (a ficlet without Methos... will I be able to cope, plus het yes het)
5. Duncan/Tessa (really not sure I'll be able to write this but want to give it a try)
6. Methos/Rebecca (I was getting withdrawal from the lack of Methos... but see more het and I love this pairing)
7. Methos/Darius (Hmm... somehow I have never actually written anything on this pair)]
8. Rebecca/Amanda (making no promises here because it may end up as gen but I do love them both)
9. Richie (he's left on his own because I really can't ship him with anyone)
Gundam Wing
10. 3x4 (because I love them)
11. 1x2 (my first fandom ship)
12. 5xS (look more het)
13. RxD (again may well end up gen)
14. Hardison/Parker (my favourite ship for this programme and it's het :0)
15. Eliot/Hardison (because my brain needs leverage slash)
16. Eliot/Parker/Hardison (okay so not technically a pairing, but I love them all)
Prince of Tennis
17. Golden Pair (because my life needs the occasional cute and fluffy)
18. Silver Pair (yay more fluffy)
Doctor Who/Torchwood
19. Jack/Everybody (what? this is a legitmate and canon ship)
20. Doctor/TARDIS (again canon and even sort of het, does it count if neither is human)
21. Doctor/River (because to my surprise... I ship them)
22. Amy/Rory (because they actually are quite awesome)
Mag 7:
23. Chris/Vin (I love this pair)
24. Josiah/Maude (sort of gen but hilarious)
25. Dean/anybody with a pulse (actually he and Jack seem to have a lot in common)
26. Dean/Castiel (they share a profound bond)
27. Sam/Jess (look Ma it's het)
28. Sam and Dean (codependent possibly incestuous relationships are great food for fandom)
29. Losers - Cougar/Jensen (Another fandom with JDM)
30. Donald Stratchey Mysteries - Donald/Timmy (because I love them)
31. Charmed Chris and Wyatt (more codependent brothers fighting demons)
Wish me luck... I'll need it.