Fic meme - Highlander crossovers

May 27, 2010 22:23

femaleshinigami  came up with a great meme, so I thought I'd give it a try:

1). Pick a fandom you're obsessed very comfortable with

2). Now, choose 10 different fandoms you are familiar with (it doesn't need to be particularly well)

3). Now, cross the first fandom with the 10 you chose, and write short snippets (or doodle/draw something for the artistically inclined)

4). No rules. But try to not be too obvious. Try to avoid using characters from the '10 fandoms', but put the characters from your first fandom into the world and situations of the chosen fandom to cross it with. Be creative! Be vague! Use quotes, or small details as clues!

5). Now post it, but DO NOT REVEAL THE 10 CHOSEN FANDOMS! Just the first, main fandom, and make your f-list guess the rest!

Feeding my Methos obsession I had to pick Highlander.... Most of these are gen one of the ten has some implied slash in it

1. Methos sighed as he sat in the cell, what on Earth had possessed him to join a resistance against a military dictatorship. Especially in a war with so many weapons capable of dismembering people. He had a chance to get himself 'killed' trying to escape, yet. He crossed his arms sighing impatiently Macleod was late. Methos rolled off the bunk as he heard the explosion the other side of the corridor, followed eventually by a series of alarms.
It was at least 24 hours later when the highlander, finally made an appearance and Methos was not in a good mood "What kept you?"
Macleod smiled "Sorry, apparently I wasn't the only one breaking in to kill someone off last night and they tightened their security." he laughed "Though apparently he changed his mission objective in the middle and ended up rescuing his friend instead. Sorry I don't think I'll be able to able to follow his example,"
Methos grinned sardonically "Oh so we still get to die in a blaze of glory then? Goody just what I always wanted. This is the last war I let you talk me into highlander. Let's retire somewhere peaceful after this, How about Brussels?"

2.  The elder brother had killed the younger in the middle of his story again which rather spoiled the flow of the narrative but Methos supposed if anyone could understand difficult 'sibling' relationships it would be himself. Methos rolled his eyes ignoring the indignant squawk from the raven and pulling the baby gargoyle back away from the fire and depositing it back into the centre of the room. In the distance Methos could hear insistent ringing, it seemed he wouldn't get to hear the end of the story tonight either.

3. Amanda smiled as she slipped from the house carrying the oversized leather bound book. $100,000 for a book that wasn't even protected by a security system just sitting on a large lectern in an attic. She worried a little, there had to be a catch to the commission and so far she hadn't worked it out, and she really didn't like the guy who was paying her. He was probably planning to kill her and he never had explained why he made her drink that strange vial, $100,000 though, she looked at the book again and wondered how much Methos would give her for it.

4. Kronos scowled as he shook the salt out of his hair and glared at the men in front of him praying at him in terribly accented Latin. He wasn't a demon, had never been a demon and rather enjoyed the irony. Kronos grinned as he stepped over the intricate drawings across the floor and started to 'explain' the meaning of mistaken identity to the hapless would be heroes.

5. Part of Methos wanted to remind his new acquaintance with the wide and obnoxious grin, that he wasn't in fact a child and didn't need to have his hand held as they ran from danger. The other part of him, the part that kept him from running out and challenging young idiots or looking for damsels in distress told him firmly to wait until he wasn't being chased by homicidal moving shop mannequins. This would teach him to avoid part time retail jobs in his next identity however useful they were when pretending to be a student.

6. The whirr of the printer had Methos kicking his chair over to the other side of the lab to pick up the spectra. He groaned as he recognised the suspect walking past, he had really hoped that the decapitated body in the morgue would remain an unsolved mystery but Macleod just had to leave trace all over the 'murder' scene. Losing or destroying all that evidence really wasn't going to do Methos' new career any good.

7. Duncan sighed as took the wanted poster from the grieving widow, looking at the wanted man's picture. He reminded her that although he occasionally helped track a fugitive he wasn't a lawman, or a bounty hunter. Well he was planning to ride on anyway, he had been in Texas for too long there didn't seem to be any harm in watching out for signs of the murderer. According to the widow he had been trained to track by the people too, it would be a challenge that would take his mind off Koren's disappearance.

8. Amanda smiled as she accepted another cup of tea, she was so glad that she let Duncan persuade her to visit Japan, this school was packed full of extremely rich and gullible boys who in a few years would be extremely rich and gullible men and they were really the best kind. Though unfortunately she might have to steer clear of the ones who had extremely rich, powerful and (she suspected) ruthless boyfriends, she looked over at Methos one of those competing with her was more than enough trouble. Either way the trip was worth it just to see the spar Methos had set up between Duncan and the cute hyperactive boy who looked all of about eight. At least he had given Duncan plenty of cake to help him with the shock.

9. Methos The Blue eyed the eagle that had brought him the message. Time to sail on perhaps, he had no intention in getting caught in a battle between the head of his order and it's most powerful member, and with the shadow growing in the East this was fast becoming an unhealthy world to remain in. He picked up the ring he had hidden away for so long, last remaining of its kind, its  brothers either taken or destroyed. Well it would soon be useless, either under the power of the shadow again or its power destroyed. Time to make use of this power to move onto another world, and with a bit of work he should be able channel the ring's power to keep it's bearer alive into himself.

10. Joe slid another beer across the bar to Methos as the old man kept up the steady stream of bullshit and rhetoric he was feeding to Mac. Not for the first time, that evening, Joe reminded himself that it was bad manners to eavesdrop on his friend's thoughts. Even if he did badly want to know if Methos really had known Cleopatra or if he was just making it up. Joe stretched then held out his hand under the counter as the set of keys he dropped flew into them. A risk, particularly considering current public opinion and the new registration laws, but he was too tired to pick them off the floor. Besides the place was empty except for his two friends who all things considered should be the last to throw stones at people for being different.

Hee... that little exercise was a bunny factory there a couple of those I would love to make into a full length story. Anyway did  you catch many of the crossovers?

There's a list of the crossovers here

fic, ficlets, meme, kronos, completed, joe dawson, methos, highlander, duncan macleod, crossovers, amanda, one-shot

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