Having just posted another zero X chapter a couple of days ago I'm on a roll.... I'm halfway through a new mag7 oneshot. I was looking through old posts and memes yesterday and there are a suprising number of drabbles, ficlets and snippets I've written for various comment memes hidden away, seen by only one or two people. Some of them having been breeding more plot bunnies (evil things). Anyway I started collecting them together and thought I might post them again so people could read them.
Since my last fic update was gundam wing, I thought I'd start with some highlander ones:
These first ones were from a meme were people asked for characters and a favour and I wrote a letter between them asking for it:
snakewhissperer asked for Amanda asking Methos for a sexual favour.
As I am sure you know tomorrow is my birthday and I wanted to invite you to my private party you, me, and all those lovely sparkly things I know Duncan has bought me. We'll steal some of that superb champagne Mac has in his cellar, you bring the chocolate and whipped cream and I'll bring something slinky. If he's very lucky we might invite Duncan along too.
pat_t asked for Joe Dawson to Rupert Giles, any favour and for Duncan Macleod asking Angel to help him find Adam Pierson.
Sorry to spring this on you after so long since we last spoke but I was hoping you had something time consuming you could find for Adam Pierson to do. I need something to distract him from building a bar bill to rival the national debt. Perhaps you need someone to translate something or a self repairing punch bag to train your slayer, his flight gets in at 12.25 on Wednesday.
Duncan to Angel
I was hoping you could help me find my friend, Adam Pierson. Though he is probably using another name now. He disappeared just over a week ago, I would wait until he comes back himself but I am a little concerned about the conversation he was having with Amanda and Corey before he left.
Thank you
lil_1337 asked for Wufei Chang (Gundam Wing) challenging Methos to a duel for charity.
Dr Matthews,
I have been asked to participate in an exhibition for the war recovery foundation. In preparation I offer you a formal challenge: live blades, 14:00 hrs at the new Brussels peace centre, first to three points match. This should give us a chance for a rematch of our interrupted duel last year. I have informed Dr. Po, Colonel Une and Ms. Peacecraft/Darlian of your participation they are looking forward to seeing you there.
Chang Wufei
In another meme people supplied a title and I wrote a snippet for a fic of that title in several fandoms orehime supplied the title 'The day everything got worse' and this was the highlander/Dr Who snippet I wrote for it.
Methos pressed his fingers to his temples trying to cut out the visions and presence in his head. In the background the doctor bounced around from one control to another discussing three topics at once, Methos quite liked the doctor, his comments, enthusiasm and bad driving were actually quite endearing. The TARDIS on the other hand, ever since she had entered his mind she had decided he needed mothering. He probably would have been amused if her concern hadn’t come laced with images from the time vortex. The doctor was now saying something about watches and time-wars, Methos sighed it was going to be a very long day.
In this last meme people gave me two characters A and B and I wrote a note between them
Aeron_lanart asked for Captain Jack Harkness to Amanda:
A note left with a hotel concierge
I enjoyed our evening out yesterday, good food, music a little excitement with the appearance of a few weevils and of course excellent company. I noticed you forgot to return my wallet, don’t worry about a thing I came to fetch it so you wouldn’t have to worry about returning it. Give my best to your gorgeous glowering friend for me, you should persuade him to join us next time.
Till next century
lil_1337 asked for a note from Methos to Ten:
An invoice found in the corner of the Tardis:
Bill for services and expenses from latest TARDIS trip:
1. Authentication of Bronze age artifacts $400 an hour/ $800
2. Legal services in Trojan court $800 an hour /$2200
3. Tour guide services $200 a day/ $600
4. Recovery of Donna Noble from Dalek army/ $5000
5. Loss of two silver daggers due to vapourisation/ $10,000
6. Dry cleaning bill/ $300
7. Loss of earnings due to unscheduled kidnapping/ $400
8. Compensation for mental anguish/ $ 100,000
To be paid at 2008 rates subject to 20% interest per year plus inflation.
Note attached to Invoice:
Dear Doctor,
I have included an invoice for our latest trip, I think that your idea of fun and mine are somewhat different. I have mentioned before I do not enjoy situations which may result in my decapitation or extermination, the young have such curious ideas about excitement. Please settle your bill quickly, I accept cash cheque or any major credit card, or you can pay off my tab. Next time how about we go for a quiet drink instead, you're buying.
p.s If you see Jack can you remind him he still needs to return my signed Rolling Stones album.
I might post some GW ones later if anyone is interested