Gundam Wing fic :- "Learning to communicate" part 5

Dec 26, 2009 18:40

Wow it has been a long time since I posted any of this, but I have at last another part of my GW WIP learning to communicate (does anyone even still remember it). Think of this as my late Christmas present to the GW fandom.

Title: Learning to communicate part 5
Pairing: 1x2 with a side of 3x4 and possibly 5xS
Warnings: Yaoi pairings, and the occasional shameless descent into cliche. This fic is unbeta'd.
Rating: R perhaps
A/N: Set after EW. The new administration has found a nice peaceful occupation for the pilots. This part turned into a mostly 3x4 section, I think Quatre just wanted to have his say. Previous parts are available here: part 1, part 2, part 3 part 4 this was only supposed to be about 3 parts long. It keeps growing, I now think it's going to be about 8 parts.

Trowa sighed at the continuing gentle sound of footsteps. He gave up pretending to sleep opening his eyes and sitting up to watch the love of his life in fond exasperation. Quatre reached the end of the room and immediately turned again and kept pacing.

“Quatre.” Trowa glanced over at the glowing clock quickly “It’s 4.15.”

Quatre gave a quick apologetic smile “Sorry for waking you, go back to sleep.”

Trowa didn’t point out that in order for Quatre to wake him he would have had to be asleep in the first place, they both know that already. He stood gracefully and drew Quatre to him gently. “Come to bed Quatre, you’ll find out in the morning.”

Quatre hooked an arm around his waist resting his head against Trowa’s chest, “I’m just worried, I want them to be happy.”

Trowa sighed “They have to work it out for themselves, Quatre.”

“I know Trowa, I just wish I knew how tonight went. What if they argued again, or if one of them went off with someone else?”

“You can find out in the morning.” Trowa said firmly

“But what if….?”

“Quatre. You knowing doesn‘t change anything, dating doesn’t work like quantum physics.”

Quatre laughed “Quantum physics underlies everything Trowa, that’s the point.” He relaxed further into Trowa’s arms then pulled away “Close your eyes,” He waited as Trowa obeyed  “Now, I might be naked or not but really I’m not either until you open them again.”

Trowa smiled his eyes still closed “That’s terrible logic Quatre, and completely inaccurate physics.” He reached out to pull Quatre against him bending down to kiss him.


Duo grinned as Quatre took the seat next to him raising one eyebrow in question “Hey Quat, since when do you take this course? Or are you a figment of my imagination?”

“Duo” Quatre smiled at his friend “I didn’t want to wait for lunch and as you told us all you normally sleep through this class now seemed a good time to talk.”

Duo laughed watching the rest of the class file in “I’m impressed, I must be a bad influence on you. Quatre Winner telling me to talk through a lecture.”

“So? How was last night?”

“I never figured you for a gossip Quat.” Duo leant back in the seat “It was good, I guess. Neither of us liked the party much, so we left early. Walked round talking.”

“Talking? About your relationship?”

Duo laughed quietly “No not really, I told you we already decided we’re friends. Lets see we discussed books, movies and coffee.”

“Duo..” Quatre was cut off as the professor started his presentation “That‘s better than nothing I suppose.” He whispered to his friend before turning to the front with a sigh.

One of the things about being a Winner, learning how to fake interest in people is taught practically from birth, and Quatre was well able to suppress his irritation and impatience as he sat through the lecture with Duo gently half dozing beside him. That didn’t stop him wondering how Trowa was getting along with Heero.


Heero put aside his book at the sound of the quick knock. He hadn’t heard footsteps down the hall leaving only four likely identities of his guest, there was always the possibility of an assassin though so he double checked his weapon and the line of sight from the door before calling for the visitor to come in.

Trowa strolled in hands firmly in his pockets, Heero wondered not for the first time why he would walk around without his hands free to reach for his weapons but dismissed the thought as irrelevant. He nodded to his friend as he took the other seat also carefully positioned with the back to the wall.

“Quatre is worried.” Trowa said simply as he settled into the seat, “I said I would find out if there was any reason for concern.”

Heero shook his head, “Everything is fine, Duo and I talked about a lot of things, it seems reasonable that friends should know about one another.”

Trowa nodded thoughtfully “Of course, it is important to understand one another in any relationship.”


Quatre smiled as he joined Trowa, he stifled his impatient questions to walk back to their room in companionable silence.  Once back within the privacy of their room though, he lent happily into Trowa before asking “So? What did Heero say?”

Trowa smiled slightly looping one arm around Quatre’s waist “Heero says they spent most of the evening talking, I think you should leave them to sort things out love now they’re communicating with each other.”

Quatre chewed on his lower lip thoughtfully “Maybe, we just need to be sure.” He stood on tiptoes to give Trowa a quick peck on the cheek before heading off to his desk in the corner of the room. “Don’t worry Trowa, Relena and I will manage the rest.”

Quatre smiled slightly as he shuffled through the papers on his desk, pretending not to hear the faint sigh of exasperation from Trowa. He was a Winner and except for, possibly, mobile suit piloting, manipulating people was what he did best. Though only for good causes of course, he’d have Duo and Heero back together in no time.

There we go my GW fix for the next week or so. All the lovely highlander stories at the hlh_shortcuts  fest have got me inspired to work on some more of the highlander fic I have been writing for the last 6 months, not to mention all the smaller plotbunnies that are busy hopping around eating all the rational thoughts in my brain. Though I quite fancy doing another chapter of Politics and Reality.... hmm well we will have to see what flows onto the page.

fic, trowa barton, learning to communicate, 1x2, gundam wing, quatre winner, 3x4, wip

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