I am reading or rather re-reading 'A Game of Thrones' by George R.R. Martin, can't figure out why I never continued with the series, so far I'm really enjoying it.
Second part of my answers for the fannish five:
darthanne asked for:
Five things that Trowa has said to Quatre
1. "Quatre" he can have whole conversations with Quatre just by saying his name, depending on his tone and body language it can mean anything from 'I love you more than anything in the world.' to 'You left the top off the toothpaste again'
2. "Which room are you putting Dorothy in?" this is important so he knows where to focus the extra security, he understands and even forgives (enough not to hunt her down anyway) but she did try to kill Quatre and he doesn't believe in taking chances.
3. "Cathy wants to spend Christmas with us." He leaves unspoken that it is ridiculous for a man who was a Gundam pilot and is now the CEO of the largest corporation in the Earth sphere to be scared of his sister in law, however good she is with knives.
4. "Can't they use their own rooms?" On being told that two of the maguanacs sleep in Quatre's room everynight to protect him
5. "Marry me?"
last but not least
aeron_lanart asked me for:
Five characters you'd like to see written (or write) with Methos - gen or otherwise:
I have to pick only 5?
1. The TARDIS- I have this little (but growing) plotbunny where the TARDIS becomes fascinated with Methos following the destruction of Gallifrey and keeps appearing in front of him, much to the confusion of both Methos and the Doctor. The doctor wouldn't mind so much but did she have to include Death on her stops.
2. Madeline Westen (burn notice) - I don't know why, but i would love to see him try to deal with her as a patient.
3. Harry Dresden (Jim Butcher's Dresden Files)- whether as part of aeron-lanart's With friend's like these series or in something else, these two are great together.
4. Hugh Fitzcairn- There a couple of excellent stories out there with the pair of them, but they could get into all sorts of hilarious situations together.
5. Patrick Jane (the mentalist)- I would love to see what they made of each other
I love doing these little meme's and lists and so forth. Right am going to try and get some fic writing done.