Ratings, Tagging and Disclaimers

Mar 23, 2012 13:06

This post started as a post for my own reference to satisfy my anal retentive need to be consistent with my tagging.

Just in case anyone wanted some guidance in navigating my 'system' I decided to leave it open, (but if i post this right it won't appear on your friend pages). Then I got carried away and it can now be considered a list of policies and disclaimers as well as an explanation of tags.


I do not own any of the series I have written about (unless it is marked original fiction). This has been written as fun and no profit has been made.

As far as I can tell from DVD credits and my Manga collection:

The original concept and characters of Gundam Wing were designed by Hajime Yatate and Yoshiyuke Tomino. Gundam Wing is the property of Sunrise.

The character and concepts of Highlander are the property of Panzier Davis.

Magnificent Seven seems to have lots of credits but as far as I can tell it is the property of MGM. (If anyone knows better please tell me).

The Hikaru no Go manga is by Yumi Hotta and Takeshi Obata.

Charmed is based on the original concept by Constance M. Burge and is the property of Spelling Television

Prince of Tennis is based on the manga by Takeshi Konomi.

The manga Bleach is by Tite Kubo, the anime series is (as far as I can tell) the property of DENTSU music and entertainment.

A word on fic ratings:-

Where I have recced somone elses work I have left the rating etc as they have decided, it may or may not match up to my own system, but it is up to them what ratings and warnings they feel are appropriate.

G rating- No violence, no relationships (even implied)
PG rating- may contain some violence but mostly implied. Possibly implied relationships
PG/13 rating- may have violence including non graphic discription. Relationships, both slash and het can be discussed but pretty much just limited to kissing- (read between the lines for more).
R rating- Can include graphic violence (but not torture). Sexual relationships both slash and het can be discussed and implied but not graphically described. These fics have been marked as containing adult content (warning sign asks if reader is over 14).
NC-17 - I have not (so far) written anything that falls into this classification but for completeness. Any graphic discription of a sexual act, extreme violence or potentially triggering material. These posts will be marked 'Explicit Adult content' (over 18 only) and f-locked. I do not mean this to sound judgemental, I just find the idea of a child or teenager possibly reading something I had written containing those themes personally disturbing.

Pairings and Warnings:-
I include a list of pairings included in the fic or will warn of any slash relationships, I also add warnings of any potentially disturbing themes it is up to you  to choose whether or not you want to read it.

As far as grammar, punctuation or UK English spelling is concerned I accept no responsibilty for any mental distress to the unwary ^_^. Though I am always grateful for anyone politely pointing out any glaring mistakes, (I do re-read my work but punctuation in particular has never been my forte).

LJ tags

Fiction tags
Fic- indicates that this is a fiction post
completed- As it implies any fic which is finished (including one-shots and series)
WIP- means I am still writing it, sorry.
Series- As expected this means this story is part of a series. Individual series are also tagged by the series name to help both me and any readers.
one-shot - stand alone fics
Crossovers- indicates this story is a crossover
pre-series - As suggested happens pre-series (historic fic will be used for HL as the series covers most of history)
Character name- in my LJ I have only written the tag for the main character(s).
Pilots - indicates that all 5 GW boys are main characters with roughly equal roles.
pairings - Written by numbers (for GW), fandom name or initials.  I know it is not exactly convention but I use 1x2 (for example) whatever the stage of the relationship if it is romantic.
Fandom name - The name of all fandoms in the story or post are used to tag it. Use this to find all my stories and posts about a particular series.
gw500 prompts- GW500 fics are tagged by prompt number and prompt
Gen fic- Indicates that this fic is not about relationships, (although they may be in the background)
no pairing - There are no pairings in this fic at all.
Established relationship - Indicates that this story is about an established couple
Get-together- A story about a couple getting together.
Challenges - tagged with comm name (such as GW500 or one_character)
Challenge tag- made for memes that include a writing challenge of some description.

Some of my other common tags
rl- any posts about 'real life'.
writing- In which I complain about how difficult I find the latest chapter, or lie about when the next update will be out
work stuff - Talking (AKA moaning) about work
LJ- posts about livejournal type things
family- Posts about the strange beings that I am related to.
Meme- Posts with meme's, these are often but not always fandom based and may have drabbles or snippets.
Internet/computers/computer problems- Post about computer based stuff whether internet base (may include random sites) or tales off woe about my computer suddenly melting, or squeeing over new computer stuff everyone else has already heard about.
holidays - can mean actual trips or just talking about Xmas, Easter etc.

Delicious tags

I have tried to be consistent but keep adding new categories and sometimes I miss the odd bookmark when changing my tagging.

Fanfiction tags:
fanfic- all the bookmarks for fanfiction should have this tag.
tvseries- fandoms based around live action Tv series
anime - rather inaccurately this covers all posts about anime, manga, manwha or similar fandoms
comics- sites about Western style comics or cartoons
Films- sites about film fandoms
Books- about book fandoms 
Fandom name - The name of all fandoms in the story or post are used to tag it.
Crossovers- indicates this story is a crossover, I have also created a different tag for each crossover
pre-series - As suggested happens pre-series (historic fic will be used for HL as the series covers most of history)
future fic - Any fic that happens post series (in HL has to be far in the future).
Character name- I'm not very consistent here. Unlike in my LJ I have tagged all the characters in the fic (in the fandom I'm most interested in, in other fandoms only main characters).
pairings - Written by numbers (for GW), fandom name, initials or names.  I know it is not exactly convention but I use 1x2 or Duncan/Methos (for example) whatever the stage of the relationship if it is romantic.
Gen fic- Indicates that this fic is not about relationships, (although they may be in the background
Slash- Any fic containing M/M or F/F relationships
het- Fics about heterosexual couple(s)
Yaoi- again not exactly an accurate definition but anime based slash (whether or not it gets past the kissing stage).
darkfic- read at your own peril, bad things happen to the characters in these fics
Angst- self explanatory but not every angsty fic has this tag (sorry bad organisation)
humour- funny fics
I started to add drabbles, ficlets or longfic tags but I haven't done them all and it has been done as the whim takes me.

Hmm not exhaustive (yet) think this shall have to be a WIP too as I add more fandoms or tags.

delicious, tags, lj, index

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