I love to cook for others.
Oh my goodness, I could be so happy if I had people to eat my cooking, and praise it. I think it'd be easier for me to get in shape, and stay in shape, if I had this to happen. Am I the only one like this? I'm not saying I binge because my food is SO DAMN GOOD, (but it is, it is!), what I'm saying is the pleasure I
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First, and THE MOST HARD to do - start dealing with the insults. I GAURENTEE you they are not going away by ignoring them. Acknowledging them will not be fun - but I promise it won't be as horrible as you think. Make a list of all that come to mind. Rid your INTERNAL list - make it external. Once you have done that - take time with EACH one. Journal here or write down in a personal journal. With EACH insult - consider WHO said, what YOU did to evoke the comment, what THEY were going thru that would cause them to say something of this nature, IF the situation is still true, AND, if it is true - how you can change it. For instance "You are an uncontrollable PIG" coming from dad. I may have eaten a whole bag of cookies that I wasn't supposed to. Dad may have been upset becaue HE wanted cookies (A HORRIBLE parent to release anger in such a way - but we ALL know parents are perfect). I am now MUCH older and know how to control urges and even when I do have binges - I know I AM IN CONTROL - I am not a PIG. I have moments of weakness - but they do not label my entire being! Sorry to go off on a tangent - but I have done SOOO much of this stuff and it has been a HUGE relief everytime. SCARY - but a great relief!
As for the cooking challenge - I suggest doing just that. You will have to venture out of your current safe network, but it will be worth it. Find local cooking contest, a local group of cooks that get together, a progressive dinner crew OR a homeless shelter that could benefit. It will be hard to find a crew less appreciative then a hungry crew. Not sure where you live, but where I am, there are always day laborers out front of Home Depot. If I ever feel like a horrible person, I pick up a couple dozen doughnuts and drop them off to these guys. Suddenly, I feel like a hero (even though I did virtually nothing). I think it means the most that they were even thought of by a passerby. Another option is TEACHING cooking at your local craft stores, to a girl scout troup, at a pregnant teen resource center, etc. You will have a HARD time finding a group that won't LOVE to learn. Go to a rehab center - they will likely be VERY receptive to new cooking and even someone to cook WITH them. Put some feelers out there. AND REMEMBER - you may face "rejection" (not winning the contest, etc.) but that is an EXTERNAL circumstance. It is no indication of the type of person YOU ARE!!!
So...now that I've WAY overstayed my welcome - i wish you luck. I KNOW you can get thru this all and I KNOW you will be a much healthier, happier person once you do. I also know you will be a blessing to all around you with your great cooking and great, warm personality!!!!!!!!!!!
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