A Point of Clarification

May 04, 2010 16:46

Hey everyone.

There seems to be a bit of confusion as far as plotting and timing goes. We've dropped those clues for the next big plot, but it hasn't quite moved forward yet. So in the meantime, what are you supposed to do?

Well, anything (within reason... Jack). There are basically two different kind of plots that happen in this game:

Game Plots - These are the plots created to alter the story as a whole, and are usually created by the moderators. Players can suggest or even develop game plots, but nothing major happens on these without direct moderator approval. They exist as storylines for you to play through with your character, similar to D&D campaigns, where the mods are the dungeon masters and there are rules of play that apply (i.e. if you're not sure if your character can do/know something, as first, don't improvise). We have decided to approach these as different stages of the game, and will generally wait for one stage to complete before officially commencing another stage (with exceptions such as dropped clues and such).

Player Plots - These are up to the players. Dinner meetings, an impromptu game of pool, exploring the dark corridors beneath the base, jaunting out to the Martian landscape, etc. etc. Of course, if you think that something may happen that would alter the setting of the game (such as your character stumbling on a cache of Daleks) just let us know. But this is the heart of the game: character interactions. And these are totally up to you.

Please let us know if you have any questions. This game is, as we've said before, fluid and open for improvisation. The mods tend to be easy going about things that would affect everyone, especially if we're asked first. Okay, only if we're asked first. If we're not, we send the dogs that have bees in their mouths after you.

When in doubt - I'm pretty much always reachable on AIM, you can send the mod account a PM or email, or even comment here.

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