Jul 21, 2004 21:50
It's so fuckin hot out. rar. It's a good thing Dustin's re-fi was a bomb, we might be living in a little ice cold bubble like the rest of civilized society hadn't he screwed me. Bought some pop-sicles in bulk today, I think they'd do better melting them in the bathtub and soaking in em than eating them.
Wedding planning- I'm turning into bride-zilla- Jess, it's 14 months away. Getting pretty exited though. I hadn't an idea that I even knew 175 people I remotely liked. Well, I guess you can account for all the family I don't really like but am obligated to invite. I guess Misty's wedding this weekend got me a little motivated. It was fun- got lost out in whitelake- Ryan McCarney making drinks, ouch. We had our very first slumber party w/ Mark & Lynn. Mushroom and Peanut-butter crackers, myself exempt. Had a great time driving past sha-booms and honking.
Hrm, what else is new. Bought a new car this week- a 2004 crown vic, yes, a cop car. I wanna get blue and red lights, and a sawed off shotgun- then I can officially execute my road rage.