(no subject)

Jun 05, 2010 03:30

No exams at all next week! \o/ So i have two weeks off... then my job starts and adfhfj. Free time eater augh. I don't wanna wake up at like 6 every morning i don't even do that for school. Oh well, I signed up for it.

and now for the new cool thing everyone is doing.

Make Me Suffer Meme

No matter how talented we are, we've all got things we're miserable at. And usually we don't write/draw these things, because we're miserable at them, but delusions of competence are for losers, right? Here's your chance to ask me for something I'd never produce if I had any sense at all.

1) Request something I'm terrible at and usually avoid at all costs! You may get a doodle, a drabble, a whole fic, or a sixteen part saga full of sturm und drang: how MUCH I suffer is up to me.

2) Fair's fair--post this same offer on your journal, and get ready to gnash your teeth and rend your garments! Make sure to include a list of things you're terrible at (perhaps you've hidden your fail well!), AND (this is important!) a list of things you REALLY don't want to write. Making me suffer is one thing--making me rage is something else.

Things I Am Bad At: WRITING. And anatomy. And ACTIONY stuff. And... other things I can't think of at the moment.

Things I Really Won't Write/Draw: Gore hi i am squeemish

Acceptable Fandoms: uhh. i think you guys know what fandoms i'm in by now, right~?

do your worst.

meme, school things, i can has a job

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