Nov 28, 2020 12:00

NAME Tyler
AGE Twenty
LOCATION Eastern North Carolina, United States
INTERESTS Too many to list; look at my icons and tags. I'm easy to find out. ♥

tumblr | plurk | twitter

I'm a pretty open person. Even if I don't get around to responding, I do read the journal entries on my f-list and all the comments people leave me. Don't feel ignored if I don't get around to talking to you! I'm in my last year of high school soon so I'm gonna be a busy bee. Maybe I'll get a job soon; I've applied to Staples but I dunno /shrug

I generally don't f-lock my entries. I've got nothing to hide~ Unless it's something woah embarrassing or something else like that. Sometimes, I'll go weeks without posting, then suddenly post five entries in a day. Or once every day for a week. It's my job to spam f-lists anyway.

If you'd like to friend me, go on ahead! I've got nothing much of interest here, but I like friends. I'll friend you back if you post here introducing yourself. :>

I have MSN, AIM, IRC... You name it, I probably have it. I'm on MSN the most, though.

also these ads aren't for show. if you click them, magical things will happen. to my bank account

And that's it! Commence spam post.

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