
Feb 17, 2010 22:36

DEAR inyxia,


I've had it with you and your idiotic manners. I really wanted to try to be friends with you, but after what's been going on recently? No.

You need to open your eyes and realize there is nothing wrong with Nicky. Isolating him from his friends won't help at all ( Read more... )

rant, friends, arghhh, /me keyboard smashes, irl

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inyxia February 19 2010, 05:48:31 UTC
Yeah, new entry, not a new entry about YOU. Why are you assuming it's about you? Like I have nothing better to do than to rant about this to my what, two friends on here? It was about personal stuff that had NOTHING to do with you. If it was about you I could sit here right now and comment like I just did and rant to your face.

Doesn't matter anyway, you're gonna think I did it no matter what I say otherwise, so does it really make a difference? Think what you want, but it's not about you.

And my friends don't know about any of it either because the stuff I DID say about PERSONAL, FAMILY issues, is behind a lock where like one person can read it. So like I said, I have no reason to rant about you--who would see it? I hardly come on here.

Because no, I don't go around the internet and rant SERIOUSLY in public about people who can come across it. It's wrong. Doesn't matter if you know the people or not. If I say something about my brother being a jerk or my sister annoying me, it's something measly that no one cares about because everyone does that with siblings, or has days when they get on their nerves. It's normally something totally stupid and meaningless. Not about serious stuff like this happened to be.

And actually no, I didn't bitch out Sam, she bitched out ME. I haven't said a word to her. But I can see you've been talking with Nicky and I already saw this coming, so whatever.


fracture February 19 2010, 06:09:59 UTC
I called you a bitch to 170+ people and you expect me to believe that you would have not mentioned it at all? Really?

Maybe we have different views on this then -- I rant so people can read it, so they can tell me if I was in the wrong, so I get their opinion on it. But, to put it behind a custom f-lock so only like two people can read it, to me, is completely absurd.

Whenever Nicky talks to me about a fight you two have, I always go to check your journal to read your side too. Don't fucking think I'm being biased. I was the one saying "Oh, Alyssa's not that bad, you must be exaggerating." But now I'm seeing just how two-faced you're being.

>implying you have said absolutely nothing bad about Sammy in response to her journal.
And you're saying I should've backed down? What, to let him keep ruling over me? Yeah, real good suggestion there Sam. Is that what he does with you? Controls you, so you just keep your pretty little mouth shut and let it go?
So shut your fucking mouth because you don't know what that little asshole has put me through and you never will

should I go on?


inyxia February 19 2010, 06:49:12 UTC
Yeah, I do, because I didn't, Tyler. I talk about it with my closest friends, which like I said, is two people. I don't rant to EVERYONE so they can tell me if I was wrong, because I only go over personal things with very few people. So yeah, I'm not like you in that respect I suppose. Like I said, I'm not even active on here.

The Sam thing was my entry today actually, and no, that was not supposed to be public or friends only or anything. That was a personal entry--I don't know how you were able to read that because it was meant for my eyes only. So did the lock not work or something? It should be closed because no, I would never mean for THAT to be seen by everyone, for very obvious reasons. If that's the bitching out you're talking about, I did that to MYSELF, for no one elses eyes to see.

So please don't think I put that up publicly because I DIDN'T and it had better be hidden right now because it was my own rant about my own feelings and wasn't meant to be seen by anyone.


inyxia February 19 2010, 09:28:33 UTC
Haha lol, you know what? I'm not gonna go on about this anymore. XD I've been sitting here thinking about it because I know you'll reply later and then I'll reply and it'll keep going in this never ending circle of doom. So with this, I'm ending whatever I have to say in my defense. I'll just keep my mouth shut on everything else and let you think what you want. Cuz I can't defend myself and I can't make you think otherwise, so it's pretty pointless.

Just wanted to say that I apologize for you seeing that Sam rant because yes, I was a total and complete 100% bitch in that. If you're gonna judge me based solely on that, then fine, because I WAS a bitch in that. No one can see that and say I -wasn't- a bitch actually. And I won't even re-read it myself because it was THAT bad.

But just so you know and anyone else you showed it to, it was written after I'd read Sam's thing and when I was upset, and it -wasn't meant for anyone else to see-. No one. As in, no one. It was stupid of me to even put it online, as I don't know how you saw it to begin with, and it should've been kept in word or something, but it's too late to do it now. I'm stupid when it comes to LJ. But it's locked and hidden away now as it was supposed to be in the first place, because as I said, I do NOT do that stuff publicly.

Since you saw that though you're thinking I'm lying or just making it up now to cover my ass, so yeah, I don't care. You can think I'm lying. XDD Go right ahead. If you knew me, you'd know I don't do stuff like that. Never. I can think of like, one exception--the whole bird cage ordeal I ranted about a few weeks back. That was it. It was nothing huge and doom ridden and you even commented on it, didn't you? Yeah. That was the ONE time I ranted for the world to see, whoop-di-do. But that was the extent. I didn't swear, I told it how I saw it and that was that.

And I find it sad that here I am, feeling the need to apologize for my one BAD rant that got out, when Sam's was pretty bad in itself and is public and no one's feeling guilty over that. I guess it's just a me thing, where someone can hurt me and that's okay, but if I do it I'll just feel bad. It's why I keep my stuff -private-.

Because why drag other people into it when it's not their concern, unless they're your close friends and you're confiding in them? I mean you want to tell your friends, fine, everyone does that. But throwing it into the public eye is just screwed up, if the other party can come and see. It starts more fights and it's worse for everyone.

It's why I was really upset when I found you'd seen that rant journal, because it WASN'T meant for -anyone- to see. So no, that wasn't an on-purpose thing to go and hurt my sister if that's what you think, she wasn't supposed to see it and neither were you. I was the only one.

Anywho, I really don't see how this stuff is your business anyway, as you don't know me aside from seeing me a few times on weekends and we don't even talk. o.O I've never thought badly of you, never said anything against you, so you suddenly deciding to call me a bitch and butting your head into my private affairs when I don't that stuff to you is just messed up in my opinion. Sure, you want to stick up for your friends, go for it. I admire that. But this whole mess is in -my- family. And you don't live here.

So. Said what I wanted now. Apologized for the rant, apologized that you had to see said rant when it wasn't meant for your eyes, said I was a bitch for it. Yeeeep. I'm done. See ya ~


thefulgora February 19 2010, 16:51:14 UTC
See, the thing is, you're not sorry. You're sorry you were caught, not for what you've said. That's why you should keep your mouth shut. You know that whole, "Don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all." thing? Yeah, I realize people have been saying things back and forth, but if you hadn't written any of the shit in the first place, you wouldn't be dealing with this right now. As you said, it's PRIVATE-PERSONAL-FAMILY matters: you shouldn't be posting it on a website anyway. And by the whole "Don't say anything bad at all", don't even try to tie in me saying shit to you or you saying shit to me. That's not my point. My point is you put it online, expect people to read it.

"Since you saw that though you're thinking I'm lying or just making it up now to cover my ass, so yeah, I don't care. You can think I'm lying. XDD Go right ahead. If you knew me, you'd know I don't do stuff like that."

If she knew you, she'd be 100% sure you WERE a two-faced bitch.


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