This is a list of stuff that I will eventually buy myself, so it's a good xmas gift guide, I guess. I'm sending this to my parents, but I didn't want it to go on my actual website and yet I want to be able to update it, so I'll dump it here. It's not a blatant attempt to ask for free stuff, I promise. But maybe you'll find it interesting anyhow.
Handheld internet device - like iPod touch or a phone that doesn’t have outrageous monthly charges but lets me get on the internet when there’s free wifi
External hd that WORKS WITH MY MAC (stupid maxtor thing)
Metal water bottle
Some nice way to keep recipes (a portable way to carry them, too? a box? a website?)
Loose tea, and a tea strainer thingy
Metric - the one with Parkdale
Enon - the one with In This City
Postal Service - The one with the District Sleeps Tonight
Ozma (they sound like Weezer, I like both bands, so I might as well ask for this one since I can't remember which Weezer cds I own)
The Blow (parethesis!!!)
Children of Men
Scrabble Dictionary (no more guessing!)
Where am I Wearing: A Global Tour to the Countries, Factories, and People that Make Our Clothes