[the video engages showing Fran lying on his back in bed. his face is a bit pale and there is a slight sheen of sweat on his forehead, but he still manages to look quite bored and unaffected]
That party was a bit of a chore, wasn't it?
[a sigh, and he rubs lightly at his eyes, making a low pouty noise in his throat]What sort of medication does
Read more... )
[A pause, and a flat tone as she speaks, like she's bored]
What did you dress as? Perhaps I caught your soul while you did your chore.
I'll keep that in mind.
[a huff of a sigh]
My soul was frog-shaped.
[head down, she flipped through a few images, then paused, holding one up]
A frogs soul... huh.
[Turns it around so he can see, the frog suited young man in the distance, past a pirate and ringleader, and some princess.]
I think that might be you, back there. Not so good, but I might have caught you in others elsewhere...
[She sounded flat, as if she was sure no one cared, nor did she. But still...]
Feed a fever, starve a cold, by the way. Try to eat something?
[a little sigh as he shifts uncomfortably on the bed and wriggles a bit, staring into the screen of the LP, his mouth twisting up a bit in a slight flinch.
when she holds the picture up, he raises both brows curiously]
That would be me alright. Ah~ But I don't need a memento of that outfit, really.
[another flinch as she mentions food]
No food, thanks~
Oh, it's not a memento for you. It's just a rejected picture for later use. I was just curious to which soul you might be.
Perhaps I could burn it and set it free. Maybe that will make you feel better.
[Another pause before saying flatly:] No food then.
Did you over dose on festivities? Or did a zombie get you. You look pretty, pale.
Rejected. I might cry, Miss Lydia.
But setting it free might help. Perhaps my soul will go home, hmmm~?
[a little sigh, and he lifts his bare hand to push his hair back behind an exposed ear]
No food. And I assure you, no zombies got hold of me.
[Nods a bit, about the setting the soul free]
I will consider setting it free. Maybe. First tell me how you knew my name SirthatIdonotknow.
[A curious look, aka brow raise to him]
Rather sure of yourself. Did none of them bother you at all?
What better purposes, may I ask~? Perhaps I might not make you burn it.
[a little pause, and then a warm smile despite his lanky hair and pale face and the sheen of sweat on his brow]
I know everything, Miss Lydia.
[a long pause]
They're too slow and stupid to pose a threat.
Art. Suicide notes. Confessions. Mostly art projects though, I'm sure.
[As he pauses, she just watches his fevered face, then nods]
I see. You seem the type to know everything.
They were slow, and rather stupid, but it was interesting none the less.
Interesting uses for photos. It would be very flattering to have my frog-shaped soul on a suicide note, so perhaps you shan't have to burn it after all~
[shifts his head back and forth a little and exhales a little sigh]
Of course I do. I know that too.
Oh, I didn't say it wasn't interesting~
[Gives a small nod, taking the photo and slipping it back into her stack]
Then I will save it for a rainy day. If i find myself in need of writing cryptic notes with even my cryptic images on them, I will remember to pull yours out first.
[A pause. The boy doesn't look as if he's feeling well at all huh.]
Perhaps you are turning into a zombie and do not know it? Even if they didn't get you, if there is an infection, that could be the cause of your fever. That in it's self would be interesting.
[A pause.] You know everything, but I do not. Educate me in your name, Frog souled one?
[a tiny smile - she's very amusing and fun to banter with, and it makes being sick and in pain easier to deal with]
Why thank you, Miss Lydia. You may have to expect something unexpected in return.
[a little pause, as he considers this zombie business, lips pursed up]
That would be a good explanation, wouldn't it? I'm sick and feverish because my body is dying around me, only my consciousness remaining, at least until my consciousness fades away into the fleshlusting of the zombie undead.
[he looks significantly into the LP for a few long, dramatic moments]
Or it would be, if a zombie had gotten its teeth into my anatomy~
[another long pause as he considers her]
My name is Fran, Miss Lydia. A pleasure to meet you.
[A small pause, and a small smile at that]
I'll try hard not to expect anything.
[At his description and then the long dramatic pause, it caused her to raise both brows, for a moment, then click her tongue, head shaking a bit.]
They don't always have to bite you. A virus maybe. A bit of dust or drool. Some blood even. You never know how it could work. [a pause] Or not. Bites are more effective. All those other ways... you would have to have a gaping wound or cut to be infected, hmm?
But yes, It's nice to meet you Frog-souled Fran.
[and a duck of his head, trying to ignore the throbbing of pain there as he moves it. and being thirsty]
Good. Or else you'll find yourself expecting too much.
[he watches her thoughtfully, his face pale, his lips parting and then closing, looking a bit too dry as he presses them together]
A gaping wound or cut. Fascinating conjecture.
[a sigh, and a little moaning sound deep in his throat]
Ah, always a frog, yes.
[Watches him, one brow raised. Hmm... then the comment about wound or cut being a fascinating conjecture. She Hmmm'ed]
You have more then a fever, Frog Fran. [And that was that, flat toned]
I was certainly surprised recently, and that's very rare for me.
[he shifts a bit more, then closes his eyes, allowing himself to look tired and a bit more ill now that it's private]
I do, in fact, have more than a fever, green faerie.
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