Aug 08, 2004 15:51
no no....not the contest where you can see how low you can go....nope...what I'm speaking of is that area where nothing makes sense - no rhyme or reason to the events happening around you - a state of utter confusion and frustration. Things have not been going well in the Tony camp...both friends and family have been having a rough time of it as well...that combined with the current state of affairs in my own distressing to say the least. This is gonna seem very egocentric and quite "It's A Wonderful Life" kind of crazy....but maybe my current crappy luck and my reactions to said crap...are indirectly affecting others in my life? I don't know...but if that was the case - then I'd be directly responsible for them as well as myself....terrifying. but...I've always been taught that everyone's responsible for their own path....that if someone's affecting your life in some profound's only because YOU let that person do so. I just don't know...what's goin on.