Meme from ebel

Dec 15, 2009 13:21

1. When's the Buzzcut?
Much as I'd love to get my hair cut to the almost non-existent level, I'm really not in the mood for the awkwardness it would cause while I'm still living at home.

2. Do you miss playing WoW?
I really don't miss the effects it had on my life, in terms of basically taking over my life, and in terms of how much of a negative effect it had on my relationships with others. I also like the fact that I can actually concentrate on things now (I had all the concentration of an ADD 5 year old when I tried to study while I was still playing) and that I'm not thinking about some fantasy world all the time. I also don't miss the vast majority of the in-game community, possibly the most retardedly sexist, homophobic and just plain stupid body of gamers out there. Despite all of that though, sometimes there's a little voice that tries to convince me to "resub, it'll be different this time". I just have to keep kicking that little voice in the face when it appears, because I know just how stupid it would be for me to ever even consider playing again.

3. If you were going to live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Probably Canada. Beautiful, diverse country, great winters, more jobs than Ireland, gay marriage, free healthcare...

4. What would you like to do when you escape college?
I'd like to get some kind of software engineering job when I finish my masters, but to be perfectly honest I'll take pretty much anything just to get working - except tech support. Not doing that shit again.

5. Why is your ma so easy?
Because yore ma's just getting tired and worn out. You guys just keep using her like a two-dolla hooker...

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