Jun 07, 2005 21:09
I know I've been out of commission for a little bit. I just wanted to check in on the off-chance that I was missed. As you may have guessed, I'm smack-dab in the middle of finals. A second thing happened to keep me scarce: I reinjured my foot and I've had to stay off of it for awhile. Good timing, huh? Yeah...anywho, I will have more time to kill starting next week. However, I will try really, really hard to pop my head in now and again. So drop me a line if you feel so inclined. I'd love to hear from you. Yes, YOU!
On the bright side I sold my first book for $37! I have more to sell when I'm done utilizing them. $37 + new Backstreet album = well, you do the math ;)